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You are my Unanswered prayer

Unanswered Prayer

The day we met was a special day in my life for i did not know you
would become my wife.The walks we took have always been special to
me to hold your hand you walking next to me.The smile on your face
the glitter in your eye was enough to see our love goes higher than
the sky.You never left my side from day one you loved me no matter
what wrong i had done.You stood beside me thru thick and thin,thru
love and laughter,and even when sorrow broke in.You held me tight
when I was down even made me laugh when i wore a frown.To me you
see you have always been and always will be the one in my life I
know i can count on no matter how bad the waves can be.To me my love
and forever you see you are my unanswered prayer the lord has sent to
me.For you are much more than this to me.

You are always my unaswered prayer the lord has sent to me!!!

I love you April Lee Now and Forever And Thru Eternity!!

your Loving husband Harley L. Sommers

Married August 28, 1993