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NOMAD UNIVERSITÉ is a virtual forum for the exchange of ideas on the spectacle of imagery in society.We meet anytime, anyplace, anywhere. We reclaim the positive power of the dragon as a symbol of the harmony of the meeting of minds.

Nomad is an amalgam of influences on the moving image: new film theory, radical (post)feminism, architecture, dance, choreography, cybernetics, cyberpunk,queer perspectives, postcolonial theory, feminine écriture, testimonials, non-narrative and narrative film treatment, the situationists, (post)modernism and alchemy.

An anagram of ideas that transect these influences includes the work of: Gilles Deleuze, Laura Mulvey, Gregory Bateson, Guy Debord, Luce Irigaray, Barbara Hammer,Helene Cixous, Yvonne Rainer, Georg Gugelberger, Fulcanelli, Judith Butler,Maya Deren, Peter Weibell, Sandy Stone,Stan Brakhage, William Gibson, Sadie Plant, and Trinh Minh Ha. We are interested in conducting a dialogue on both the theory and practice of the moving image.

At times we will arrange to meet in different places for Spectacular Situations. Our next meeting is being planned for San Francisco Summer 2022.

Membership is selective and based on the quality of work done at Nomad Université . We are not interested in the usual credentials. Instead, we welcome creative minds for a spirited exchange on images.

Courses consist of submitting papers on the various 'classes', which will be assembled into an ebook and published on this site (password required). A "hypertext" will be made of the selections and composed in a structure similar to the work of Julio Cortazar's Hopscotch. This is an example of a hypertext novel where the writer/reader jumps from scene to scene, chapter to chapter. Guidelines for papers on request. Please submit a one page bio for consideration. Spring courses commence March 21 and run through May 31, 2022.

Spring Courses 2022

Sources that Impact the Ideas of Nomad

William Gibson and Cyberpunk

The Fourth Dimension And Non-Euclidean Geometry In Modern Art

Sandy Stone

Maya Deren Forum

Gregory Bateson and Cybernetics

Sadie Plant: Ones and Zeroes

The Hybrid Yvonne Rainer: Avant-Garde Aesthete, Utopian Activist

Laura Mulvey:Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema

stan brakhage:underground cinema

On Underground Film

Underground Film from Skala Eressos, Greece

Gilles Deleuze:Image-Movement and its Three Varieties

Luce Irigaray

Post-Colonial Women and the Interlocking Questions of Identity and Difference - Trinh T. Minh-ha

An Interview with Peter Weibel

Of Saints, Sinners and Companeras Internationalist Lives in the Americas Today

Helene Cixous: "The Laugh of the Medusa"

Judith Butler and Gender Bending

The Society of the Spectacle, text by Guy Debord

An Interview with Julio Cortazar

Barbara Hammer

Situationist Site

Fulcanelli and the Mystery of the Cathedrals

Contact Jean Moi for further information
Dragons: Zhou Guoxin & Jayson Wechter