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News Update - Friday  February 20, 2004

Karana server has been my characters home since I started playing Everquest. It's one of the oldest servers with players from all over the world. Five guilds are now Time flagged with others in the Elementals which will soon to be there also. It was not surprising when the new server, Morden Rasp, was announced that we thought seriously about moving there. We made the decision after a guild vote and are already in the process of reforming there now. To my amazement over 80 guild members have moved and those that wanted to move but could not afford the cost were helped by other members. I want to thank all of the guild members for their help in making this happen. 

So far Morden Rasp is a wonderful change. Much less lag, a very low population of players still and mobs actually up and just waiting to die. Paradise really. We'll enjoy it while we can but other guilds are incoming and so far in our talks its going to be nice company and we welcome the competition. 


News Update - Monday  February 2, 2004


Will the carnage never end? There wasn't much up last night so we decided to try a mob we'd been putting off. Wasn't even a raid force, about half a raid force if that, but we were successful at least. Seventh Hammer met his doom. Loot was a little gay, but at least we all got our PoJ trials done. 



I don't want two winners to feel left out, so here is a pic of Bangrel and Chett on their new horses....


Aennyil even wanted to pose and get his picture taken. So here it is... guess what he is holding? 


So, that was Sunday night at least. As I end this, a few more snippets. The first begins with Thilindi talking about his upcoming vacation to Las have been warned...

Thilindi says, '5 days of endless buffetts, copious amounts of alcohol, various amounts of gambling, and an endless stream of loose women'
Nadara says, 'wear a condom'
Thilindi says, 'Hell with that, I am using duct tape'
Nadara says, 'LOL'
Seclorum says, 'more durable'
Aarii says, 'Shotgun approach, eh Thili?'
Thilindi says, 'more texture for her pleasure, too'
Aarii says, 'cant find it.. so cover the entire area'
Thilindi says, 'Aarii, shush and summon some mod rods or something'
Aarii says, 'Your faction standing with Vending Machine could not possibly get any worse..'

Thilindi says out of character, 'Har har :P'

Aennyil tells the group, 'they need to give chanters illusions for mounts'
Aennyil tells the group, 'turn mine into a dragon! :-P'

Aennyil says, 'this isn't a nude beach dara get dressed!'
Thilindi says, 'stfu Aennyil'
Thilindi says, 'This IS naked beach.... all women are required to be nekkid here'
Aennyil says, 'up is already shut!'
You say, 'I say it's a naked beach and men first... and turn around slowly also'
Thilindi says, 'ROFL Sinny'
Firon rolls on the floor laughing.
Aennyil says, 'thank you mistress may I have another?'

Duga tells the raid, 'MGB BSS click off the ranger and bs garbage'

An example of how decisive officers are.........

Tolian tells neofficer:1, 'garg you wanna switch groups and lead the other group?'
Gargos tells neofficer:1, 'to which group?'
You tell neofficer:1, 'he is watching football !'
Tolian tells neofficer:1, 'either group 4, 5, or 6'
Tolian tells neofficer:1, 'could switch with lain'
Gargos has left the group.
Gargos tells the guild, 'akronn invite me'
Tolian tells neofficer:1, 'wrong group'
Tolian tells neofficer:1, 'that' group 3'
Tolian tells neofficer:1, 'go to effi's group'
Aennyil tells neofficer:1, 'go to kay's group garg'
Tolian tells neofficer:1, 'Effi, not Kay'
Gargos tells the guild, 'ok kaylanie invite me'
Tolian tells neofficer:1, 'Effi* group 4'
Tolian tells neofficer:1, '/sigh'
Aennyil tells neofficer:1, 'or that eheh'
Tolian tells neofficer:1, 'oh well i don't care. long as its 4-6'
Aennyil tells neofficer:1, 'want me to switch to 4?'
Tolian tells neofficer:1, 'no, everyone stay put, lol'

Nadara tells the raid, 'FLOATIES!!! plz'
Nadara's body pulses with an avian spirit.
Lainiea tells the raid, 'DONE sis'
Nadara tells the group, 'TY TY TY TYT'
Nadara tells the raid, 'Ahhhh ))'
Thilindi tells the guild, 'I wonder.... does Nadara love floaties so much because she has a flatulence problem? hmmmmmm'
Nadara tells the guild, '/bonk Thilindi )'



News Update - Sunday February 1, 2004


Night Eternal has been very busy the past week. First there was our kill of Coirnav on Wednesday night. That was a milestone for us and to thank the guild for their hard work and dedication we auctioned off a few 100K horses to members. Congratulations on those to Bangrel, Viscero, Rumbak, Thanatous, Tonia, and Chett. 


Our last milestone that we needed for Time access was the Rathe Council. We've been working on that also and the guild was excited about our next attempt. That's  putting it mildly really. We were pumped. We were determined. We planned on it. We knew it was due early for us on Saturday and made plans to gather as early as possible to get our chance with it. 

I logged on by 9 am est. or so Saturday morning. We already had people camped in the cave in PoEb. By noon time we had over 40 members online, which was a first for us being a USA guild. By 2pm est we had our CoH set up and raid force ready. You could feel it. Everyone was focused and ready for the event. 

We started and was doing well and had a little glitch that forced us to start over. My stomach was in knots. We all had not went without sleep and logged on so early to not succeed and we started again. Everyone had one common goal, to play their best and to win. It worked. We had never spawned the Avatar of Earth in our previous attempts at the Rathe Council, but we did this time.



Night Eternal defeated the Rathe Council and with that, we became Plane of Time accessed. I cannot begin to put in words how proud I am of the officers and members of the guild. We have been flamed to hell and back for one thing or another and many rumored our demise more than once but we have succeeded where others still fail. I sat in my chair and literally cried tears of happiness as I watch the guild celebrate. I cannot thank them enough for their hard work and dedication. To me they are the greatest group of players in the game and the reason I log on every day. They earned this moment to celebrate. Night Eternal is now a TIME guild. 



Now, a few snippets from our guild chat. Enjoy and thank you for the many tells we have gotten from members of fellow guilds on Karana and other Everquest Servers. 

Avatar of Earth's corpse falls to the ground dead.
Daban tells you, 'FUCK YEAH'
Ticharary tells the raid, 'KEEL'
Tolian tells the guild, '/rar!!'
Wolfisdom tells the guild, 'grats for time all :))'
Bangrel tells the guild, 'TIME!!!!'
Dakryn tells the guild, 'RARRR'
Aennyil tells neofficer:1, 'omg omg'
Azurejade tells the guild, 'i just came !'
You say to your guild, 'GRATS ON TIME!'
Elwud tells the guild, 'That was almost as much fun as a vigorous man handling !!'
Firon tells the guild, 'HAhahaha POTIME BV'
Totania tells the guild, 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWNED!'
Kraalix tells the guild, 'HOOOOAAAAAH!'
Akronn tells the guild, 'OMGH AWESOME GUYS'
Synkrasis tells the guild, 'Congratulations everyone, I'm happy for you all ^_^'
Duga tells the guild, 'ROAR'
Smohg tells the guild, 'time guild'
Armorball tells the guild, 'YES!'
Daban tells the guild, 'HELL YES'
Nanladar tells the guild, 'WRU OIL OF A FROG'
Fuzze tells the guild, 'fuck ya!'
Balludar tells the guild, 'HOLY FUCK YEEEAAAH'
Enchantai tells the guild, 'FUGGGG YEAAAHHHH!!!'
Izahkiah tells the guild, 'GRATZ !!'
Enchantai tells the guild, 'FUGGGG YEAAAHHHH!!!'
Totania tells the guild, 'YESYESYESYES'
Khaelina tells the guild, 'grats ))'
Totania tells the guild, 'OWNAGE'
Timberwalker tells the guild, 'GRATZ NE'
Daban tells you, 'we killed coirnav and TRC for the first time.... in the same week'
You say to your guild, 'NE , you guys rock ... grats !'
Coron tells the guild, 'FUCKING AYE!'
Totania tells the guild, 'this is the biggest shield ever'
Taunu tells the guild, 'WONDERFUL WORK ALL) CONGRATS '
Lenderhand tells the guild, 'who is your dam daddy poe '
Physt tells the guild, 'happy anniversary ne :)'
Utumaeldar tells the guild, 'GUILD *HUG*'
Firon tells the guild, 'lol!'
You say to your guild, 'best anniversary present i can think of!'

Rumbak tells the guild, 'those shields are ugly as fuck'

Smohg tells the guild, 'I have President Bush, Howard Dean, Kerry, and General Clark on the phone - they say grats on Avatar of Earth'

Utumaeldar tells the guild, 'BEER TIME'

Aennyil tells the guild, 'it's MILLER TIME GARGOS'

You tell neofficer:1, 'where we wanna meet for combines ?'
Gargos tells neofficer:1, 'at my bind!'
Gargos tells neofficer:1, 'nice view'
You tell neofficer:1, 'seriously where you wanna meet '
Gargos tells neofficer:1, 'my bind'
You tell neofficer:1, 'lol'
Gargos tells neofficer:1, 'damnit woman'
Gargos tells neofficer:1, 'heh'
You tell neofficer:1, 'ok, tell the guild'
Gargos tells the guild, 'clear chat'
Gargos tells the guild, 'meet up at my bind point off to the right of poair for this combine stuff'
Gargos tells the guild, 'and no binding yourself here'
Seclorum tells the guild, 'aw but i wanna see u reborn'
Gargos tells neofficer:1, 'cmon sin ;p

Gargos tells the guild, 'good job, everyone'
Gargos tells the guild, 'even seclorum'
Seclorum tells the guild, 'fuck yea'
Seclorum tells the guild, 'i didnt afk this time!'
Seclorum tells the guild, 'well i lied'
Seclorum tells the guild, 'not the whole time'

Aaladwen tells the guild, 'I would just like to say thanks to all the Leaders and officers for all thier leadership throughout the past year.'
Gargos tells the guild, 'officers are nothing without you the people to make it happen'
Gargos tells the guild, 'we should be thanking you'
You say to your guild, 'very true : )'
Firon tells the guild, 'hah members are nothing without leaders'
Rajun tells the guild, 'omg garg said something nice =\ , last week he was making fun of us for failing agnar =\'
Aennyil tells the guild, 'indeed'
Tolian tells the guild, '/nod. Impressive to see everyone pull it together and beat these gods. They're not easy ya'll'
Wallin tells the guild, 'yea but you put with our shit 8P'
Bangrel tells the guild, 'yeah, but you all have to put up with alot more than we all do'
Kraalix tells the guild, 'ah, it's NP. I know you couldnt have done it without me. it's all good!'
Saliela tells the guild, 'without Great leaders, there wouldnt be any members'
Thilindi tells the guild, '*Starts singing* WE ARE FAAMMILLY....... all mah guildmates and ME......'
You say to your guild, 'we just get the behind the scenes work : )'
Aennyil tells the guild, 'give it a day Raj he'll be himself again <G>'
Rajun tells the guild, 'lol'

Stic tells the guild, 'lets kill some shit or call it a night.. all this sweet stuff is making me puke'

Physt tells the guild, 'you guys wouldn't have been in time without the great leadership of sin and garg. but don't forget one major thing... you sure as hell wouldn't have been in here without me and my fantastic tradeskils :)\'
Firon tells the guild, 'lol physt'
Diestrich tells the guild, 'lmao Physt'
Aennyil tells the guild, '*shakes Physt* and *punts*'

Blacaen tells the guild, 'aka goin for some a$$'
Physt tells the guild, 'tell your sister I said hi blac'
Nanvel tells the guild, 'haha'
Nanladar tells the guild, 'lol'
Thilindi tells the guild, 'pwned'
Totania tells the guild, 'that hurt'

Stic says, 'whos ma?'
Kraalix says, 'your mom'
Seclorum says, 'haha'
Stic says, 'you can kiss my mom... but she aint pretty'
Kraalix says, 'sin, you gonna take that?! stic callin you fugly@!'


News Update - Wednesday January 28, 2004


Please pardon the mess, still doing a lot of work on the web site, but it's getting there and has been a long time coming for us to finally have one. Lots of good news to share about Night Eternal. 

Night Eternal is one year old now. It's been an up and down year. A lot of old members from former guilds have moved on, while some have stayed. We've been blessed with some wonderful new members through out the year and our family has grown. We've fought a lot of battles and defeated a lot of mobs while the rumors flew around us that we were doomed. We are not dead and have no plans other than to leave dead mobs in our path. 

Last year one of our members was the first to be deployed to fight in Iraq. Through out  his time there he would post on our board to update us. Once he logged into Everquest while we were doing Fennin Ro. He was in the mess hall and before long he had fellow soldiers watching over his shoulder on his lap top. They plug his lap top up to the television there and the entire mess hall watched as we defeated Fennin. I think we were as thrilled as perhaps those watching us because it was our small way to give some entertainment to our troops who fight for our country. Synkrasis recently returned to us from duty and last night was his first night back home with us. To Synkrasis we just want to say welcome home and we are damn proud of you! 


Last night was special to Night Eternal in another way also. After many frustrating raids of wiping and countless deaths, trying one thing or another, we were successful in defeating Coirnav, the Avater of Water. That's right. We killed the big squid and are one step closer to Time. Only the Rathe Council stops us now. 

We gathered and got ready for what was to be a big night for us...

Here is the proof for those that enjoy seeing dead big ugly dead squid..


After all the time and effort to get down an encounter like this, the thrill of victory is very sweet. I am very proud of the members of Night Eternal for this victory and showing themselves and everyone that we are not to be shrugged off lightly. My praise also the officers and members who helped formulate the strategy that made this victory possible. It was very gratifying to see the team work and the spirit that an event like this can do. I can share with you a snippet of guild chat after Coirnav was dead : 

The monstrous creature spasms in its last death throes sending shockwaves through the reef. Coirnav the Avatar of Water, empowered by the focus of the Triumvirate, has fallen at the hands of the brave adventurers deep within the reef.
Knaves tells the guild, 'DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
Blacaen tells the raid, 'KEEL MOTHA F'
Tolian tells the guild, 'YESA'
Longtail tells the guild, 'keeel!!'
Chett tells the guild, 'keel'
Athdare tells the guild, 'KEEL !!!!!!!!!!!'
Totania tells the guild, 'YES!'
Wallin tells the guild, 'rara'
Deeke tells the guild, 'YEAAAAA'
Rumbak tells the guild, 'FUCK YEA'
Thilindi tells the guild, 'FUCKING A !!!!'
Viscero tells the guild, '!!!!!!!'
Nadara tells the guild, 'FUCKING RIGHT!!'
Pickolo tells the guild, 'woohooo
Aarii tells the raid, 'RR'
Gqarz tells the guild, 'YAH~!!!!!'
Xistalben tells the guild, 'YEA!'
Akronn tells the guild, 'WOOOHOOOOO'
Daban tells the guild, 'YEAH!'
Ticharary tells the guild, 'DIE MOTHER FUCKER DIE'
Lainiea tells the raid, 'YES YES YES YES'
Resam tells the guild, 'AWESOME'
You say to your guild, 'that's the WAY !'
Kindark tells the guild, 'woooo hoooo,.'
Bangrel tells the guild, 'Fuck YEAH!!!!!!!!'
Balludar tells the guild, 'FUCK YEAHHHHHB'
Saliela tells the guild, 'lOMG YESSS'
Longtail tells the guild, 'MUAHAHA"'
Diestrich tells the guild, 'FUCK YEAH !!!'
Centra tells the guild, 'Congrats! :)'
Athdare tells the guild, 'FUCK YEAH !@!!!'
Aennyil tells the guild, 'omg omg we are TOO LEGIT to QUIT'
Gringan tells the guild, 'YEAHHH'
Rajun tells the guild, 'YESSAHHHH'
Akronn tells you, 'FUCKING YES!'
You say to your guild, 'Way to fucking go guys, GRATS'

We were all excited. We went on to find a few more mobs up to kill, but it was nice to start the night with a dead Coirnav. Happy Anniversary Night Eternal and may the next year find us defeating Time and moving forwards in Gates of Discord.

More snippets next time.

- Sin -