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Writings of the Kindred 

For several years now I've played a character in a MUD called Aabsolom. She's everything I'm not, petite, slim, beautiful with wings the color of the midnight sky. She also a vampire and a Supreme Goddess. Her origins are bizarre to say the least but in these pages I've added one or two short passages about poignant happenings in her life. Unfortunately she's now dead due to a tragic existence.


 Looking around her slowly she realized where she was. This was Lord Karloffs crypt. A place that terrified most mortals yet she found herself feeling at ease. Karloff stood before her, his red eyes like two fire rubies in the gloom. Calming herself within she looked up at him. His handsome face, his strong arms. She took it all in before finally speaking.
“What do you want from me Lord Karloff?” she asked softly. 
“I want you Lillith. Its that simple.” Came his reply.
Her heart lurched and a thousand thoughts all ran into each other. What about her Family, her friends. What would they all think? What about her children and Malign, what would they do? Why did Karloff ask her? He could have any mortal he wanted. She became aware then that his hand was brushing against her cheek. She could feel the power he had, it was in his touch, it ran through her like static. 
“You know that I cannot my Lord Karloff. I am already married which you well know. It was one of your priests you performed the service. If I had never met Malign then perhaps I could. But I met him. I love him and my children. I am sorry Lord Karloff but I must decline your offer. ” Her voice was a little shaky now. Fear ran along its edge.
The air in the crypt became colder, heavier. A mist began to form on the floor and swirl as if alive. Fear welled up inside Lillith, there was nowhere to run, and she started to shake. She suddenly felt very small standing next to the towering Supremacy. Karloff took Lillith gently into his arms and smiled. His eyes seemed to draw her in, mesmerizing her. She watched as they blazed and swirled with color, pulling her deeper. She saw them turn into pools of fire, spinning in an infinity of patterns. Her head began to ache and she tried to turn away from him, shut her eyes, anything to break free from his gaze. A pain like white heat shot through her head making her wince. She could feel his hands running over her body and was powerless to stop him. She was falling fast now, there was nothing, only Karloff, the pain gone from her mind. He was all that existed now. Then he kissed her and she melted into him. They where falling together, spinning in the air their bodies entwined, pressed hard against each other. He kissed her again and she clung to him, needing him more than anything she had ever needed anyone before. She felt alive again, could almost hear her heart pounding and her blood rushing in her ears. She looked at his eyes again, they no longer swirled with color and danced with fire. They where the color of rubies and they looked back at her. 
“Now, will you be my wife Lillith?” He asked her gently.
“Yes Karloff, of course I will.” She smiled up at him.

Karloff had known she would not leave her family for him. He had done the only thing that could have possibly made her turn to him. He has used his magic’s and removed all the obstacles from her mind. All memories of Malign and her children where gone. Her memories of Ged and the Light she once followed. All of it gone from her and replaced with the image of Karloff. She was now Queen of Aabsolom, Lillith Baronze. Then the voices started, she heard Raxx, Malik, Niksia, and Karloff. All them talking in her head. 
“Mother, please mother answer me.” Maliks voice said. “Remember when I was a baby? You held me and sang me to sleep in the tree house. Remember how you cried when Apophis took me away?”
“You are married to my brother Malign, you have to remember Lillith. You are my sister, a DathVearn. Malign Sired you, it’s in your blood. Listen to me Lillith please. I can help you if you just call me. Call my name and I will come to you. ” Raxx? Is that you Raxx?
“Talk to me Lillith, what’s going on? Why are the bells in Karloffs cathedral ringing? People are saying that you have married him. You can’t Lillith, you’re married already. Tell me this isn’t true.” Niksias voice interrupted Raxx.
“My head hurts Karloff, it hurts so much with all these voices screaming at me. They fill my head and tell me things I don’t understand.” Lillith sobbed and then crumpled to the floor clutching at her head. Karloff bent and scooped her up into his arms, holding her tight. 
“Raxx and the others don’t understand that we love each other. He is the Lord of Lies and Deceit. He has never wanted to see me happy and now that I am he’s trying to destroy it. He’ll use the others to try and make you leave me my Queen. He’ll work through Niksia to try and get you to change your mind. They will try and confuse you until you leave. I will be here though to help. Don’t give in to them. I love you. All I want is for you to be happy. You are stronger than they are now. You are Lillith Baronze. My wife.” Karloff was looking into her eyes again, she saw the swirling begin again and felt at ease once more. The pain subsided. 

Taking a few deep breaths Lillith composed herself then shut out the world. She felt shaken and confused but at least the pain had stopped. She looked around again at the crypt. The mist had gone and the temperature had risen slightly. Karloff sat opposite her now on velvet covered couch. She walked over to him and sat in his lap, needing to feel safe. How long he held her in his arms and stroked her hair she didn’t know. All she knew was that she was safe now. No one could get to her here. Karloff bent and kissed her gently, once again she felt static run through her body. “He has so much power within him and yet he chose me. This man, this Supremacy, chose me to be his wife. He never die he’ll just keep existing. Perhaps I’ll live longer than I should being surrounded by his power. “ The thoughts where too fast, she couldn’t slow them down and sort them out. Lillith curled herself into a ball on Karloffs knee and closed her eyes, she let his power surround her and flow through her. 

She woke up in bed. She felt warm and safe. Lillith thought she must have fallen asleep on Karloffs knee at some point. She could still feel his power surrounding her it made her flesh tingle. Pulling the covers up higher Lillith looked around the room. The bed was huge. Carved wooden pillars at each corners with a dragon wrapped round each of them. The covers where of silk and velvet, deep purple and blood red in color.
At the end of the room was the biggest fireplace she had ever seen. It must have been 5 foot high at least and made of highly polished obsidian. The fire had been set already and was blazing, it reminded her of Karloffs eyes again. She was married, to Lord Karloff. Rolling over, Lillith saw a plus dark carpet covering the floor and a door. A great wooden door. Where it would lead she had no idea but right now all she wanted to do was lie in bed and think about what had happened. Her mind was still reeling with the enormity of it all.