First of all, I kype pics. I openly admit that and have never denied that. I also give credit where credit is due. I love the works of Jonathon Earl Bowser. I was recently turned on to the works of Michael Whelan. I plan to kype selected pics from him and will give him the credit he's due. I'm not gonna try to say that I'm the artist. I might add my special touches to them, frames, morphing, that sort of thing but the artwork is theirs. Art is to inspire. Whether you realize it or not, every time you look at something, you receive inspiration. It becomes a part of you.

I scribble. That's what I call it. I pick up a pen or pencil and whatever is trapped within me is released upon the paper. Someday, hopefully soon, I'll be able to get myself to part with some of my scribbles. I'm going to expand my artistic endevors into other mediums as well. As a matter of fact, I've already started. Maybe you'll be first to receive a glimpse at my scribbles. Maybe not. We'll see. If you are, then you are definitely a preferred person. One of the chosen few amongst the many. You will be a protector of beauty. A dragon, so to speak. A mystic, beautiful creature that is severely protective. You will have to pass the fires of hell to get to the beauty of heaven. A bridge to cross. A fight to fight. A win to win. It can be done, oh yes my friend it can be done but only by those who are worthy enough to fight the flames and prove their innocence and purity of heart. Yes my dear, it can be done. All you have to do is prove yourself worthy. Are you worthy, I ask you. Are you?...Whoa! All of that came from seeing Michael Whelan's dragon pics this morning. See what I mean about being inspired by someone elses inspiration? It pays forward to you so pass it on. BTW, "Pay it Forward" is an excellent movie. Highly recommended. Sends a message to the heart and makes a person think and decide for themselves how to live the rest of their life and how they will have an effect on someone elses. Yes people, I am deeper than anyone knows and I'm also smarter than the average bear. Exactly how smart the average bear is, I have no idea but I'm smarter than that. Question:If you drop a five pound steel ball from forty feet into twenty degree water and forty degree water, will it make it make a difference in the speed of the ball? I know the answer but do you? Simple physics. Prove me wrong. I dare you.
I'm also an ordained reverand and have the mail in certificate to prove it. I spent almost 2 years with independent Pentecostals. I have dined with preachers from around the world and across this great country of ours. I designed the web page for the church where I was the soundperson. I left that church for personal reasons and passed the mantle of the homepage to another member of the church. I have not "fallen into sin" since I left them. I'm doing just fine and I'm stronger than ever. I'm spreading the Word to many, many people. I even had the opportunity to visit Bethesda by the Sea while I was vacationing in the Palm Beach area. Bethesda by the Sea is a beautiful building. The gardens are wonderful. The fish are even adorable. The woodworking inside the church is beyond simple words. The first word that pops into my mind is breathtaking.
My Truck