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Mount Kilauea

Mount Kilauea is a volcano in Hawai'i. Kilauea is located on the south-east coast of Hawai'i. It is an active Volcano. Kilauea is a sheild volcano, that means that it only has quiet eruptions it was also formed over a hotspot. Kilauea has five craters including the famous Puu Oo' crater. Some famous eruptions:

  • in 1885
  • in 1919 around febuary 7th
  • in 1919 around december 21st
  • in 1952
  • in 1955
  • in 1967
  • in 1969
  • in 1973
  • and the largest in 1983 which is still going. Some impact on the surrounding land is the constant, slow expansion of the big island of Hawaii. No wildlife is normally harmed because the lava is slow moving. Plants have been burned however.


    My Kilauea links

    Pictures of Mt. Kilauea