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Get the largest cage possible, that allows for room for flight as a pet Canary should never have it's wings clipped and should be able to fly in the cage for excercise. "Flight" type cages are the best since they are designed to provide room to move. A long cage is better than a tall narrow one, it should be at least 24" long. Watch out for the spacing between the bars, the gap should be no more than 1/2". Wire cages are the best, wood or bamboo cages are difficult to keep clean.

Provide wooden perches of varied diameter (3/8" to 3/4"). Some Canary keepers alter smooth round perches by scraping them with a saw blade or utility knife, just enough to make the surface slightly irregular. This makes the perches easier to grip and the variety may make the perches more comfortable for the Canary's feet.

Canaries are pretty hardy and can be kept at room temperature. Keep the cage away from draughts, air conditioners, and windows that receive direct sunlight. Cover the cage at night, at the time the sun goes down. Canaries need their rest and will do best if given a light/dark cycle that approximates natural changes.

Provide toys for your Canary, but place them in the cage in such a way as they do not obstruct flight space. Your Canary might enjoy swings, mirrors, bells, and hanging wooden or acrylic toys.

Fresh water should be available at all times, with a shallow dish of water being provided at least 3-4 times a week for bathing.

A good quality seed mixture suitable for Canaries can be the mainstay of their diet. Pelleted diets suitable for a Canary can be offered as well, these are not as palatable as seeds but many owners keep a dish of pellets in the cage along with a dish of seeds.

Fresh foods and greens should also be offered. Good choices include:
Vegetables - Green peppers, canned corn, fresh corn on the cob, cooked broccoli, raw spinach, squash.
Fruits - Apples, oranges, bananas, pears, peaches, strawberries, Others - Raw dandelions, hard-boiled eggs can be offered occasionally, sprouted seeds are an excellent treat for your Canary.