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They are as tall as humans, but thinner and more graceful, with a natural grace and agility of a cat. They have human like faces and build, but with pointed cat-like ears, a tail, and retractable claws. Their bodies are covered with a coat of fur, whose thickness and pattern varies ranging from black to yellow; some is striped or spotted. Their eyes are generally green or yellow and are slit-pupilled. As cats do, they have a natural curiosity and will try most things once. However, they have very little patience, and so learn higher skills slower. The natural curiosity of these felines leads to careers of adventuring. They make good fighters, relying on their strength and stamina. Like all cats, if a tabaxi falls it lands on its feet unless it falls too far. They are gifted with the power of seeing in the dark.

Racial Abilities:
* Infravision.
* If a tabaxi falls, it lands on its feet unless it falls too far.

Stat Modifications:
Str: +1, Int: -2, Wis: -2, Dex: +2, Con: +1

Available Classes: Cleric Thief Warrior Ranger Vampire Monk