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Very little is known about the background of the Elder. Created at the beginning of time, they are known for their superior wisdom. Physically they resemble Elves and Drows, to whom they are related, though they are somewhat taller. Like them they are tall, but also very thin, ranging from lanky to ascetic to downright wispy. Their coloring is usually pale with skin the color of ivory; white-blond hair, and sky blue eyes are frequently seen. They often spend their entire life wandering throughout the lands on a quest for knowledge, spreading their near infinite wisdom. Elders have long been suspected of being the favored race of the gods, and it is believed that their power of flight comes from a divine source. Few races equal their gift with the magical arts.

Racial Abilities:
* Elders do not use movement. (They are never too tired to move)
* They naturally 'levitate' in the air at all times.
* Due to their floating nature, they cannot be tripped in combat.
* Spells cost 75% of the normal spell cost.
* Elders regenerate mana twice as fast as normal.

Stat Modifications:
Wis: +3, Str: -3

See Help ElderGuide for additional RP information

Available Classes: Mage Cleric Druid Vampire Necromancer Shaman