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Costs for training/studying

I'm not able to make the calculator version yet but this is the formulas.
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Cromagnon:  skill:  68%, spell:  84% (By: Tsinummoc)
Drow:       skill:  84%, spell:  80% (By: Evilpriest, Special thanks: Nezmaniac)
Dwarf:      skill:  72%, spell:  92% (By: Highpriest)
Elf:        skill:  96%, spell:  80% (By: Kiera)
Ent:        skill: 104%, spell:  80% (By: Ljyiiima)
Faerie:     skill:  88%, spell:  72% (By: Scourge)
Gargoyle:   skill:  80%, spell:  72% (By: Soulleech)
Giant:      skill: 100%, spell: 160% (By: Ogg)
Gnome:      skill:  84%, spell:  80% (By: Evilpriest, Special thanks: Nezmaniac)
Goblin:     skill:  80%, spell: 128% (By: Evilpriest, Special thanks: Nezmaniac)
Grorrark:   skill:  76%, spell: 128% (By: Xedric/Areu)
Halfelf:    skill:  84%, spell:  76% (By: Evilpriest)
Hobbit:     skill:  76%, spell:  96% (By: Evilpriest, Special thanks: Nezmaniac)
Human:      skill:  80%, spell:  80% (By: Evilpriest, Special thanks: Nezmaniac)
Kobold:     skill:  80%, spell:  84% (By: Evilpriest, Special thanks: Nezmaniac)
Leprechaun: skill:  84%, spell:  72% (By: Muffy)
Lizardman:  skill:  88%, spell:  96% (By: Evilpriest, Special thanks: Nezmaniac)
Mindflayer: skill: 112%, spell:  72% (By: Evalic)
Minotaur:   skill:  80%, spell: 120% (By: Evilpriest, Special thanks: Korthrun)
Ogier:      skill:  92%, spell: 112% (By: Evilpriest, Special thanks: Korthrun)
Phoenix:    skill:  92%, spell:  76% (By: Estrella)
Snakeman:   skill:  96%, spell:  72% (By: Evilpriest, Special thanks: Zicoo)
Thrikhren:  skill:  88%, spell:  80% (By: Evilpriest, Special thanks: Zicoo)
Troll:      skill: 104%, spell: 160% (By: Evilpriest, Special thanks: Zicoo)
Vampire:    skill:  88%, spell:  80% (By: Evilpriest, Special thanks: Korthrun)
Vinnipier:  skill:  80%, spell:  80% (By: Shiranai)
Xorn:       skill:  88%, spell: 160% (By: Evilpriest, Special thanks: Moridin)

These are the base exp cost for different races.

Simply use  multiply by base exp cost given by help file.
Note: 1) The value will be rounded DOWN.
      2) Does not apply to all skills and spells from 2nd alpha tree.

For costs in gold, it can be calculated by using {cost in xp} / 35.

(Evilpriest, Highpriest, Ljyiiima are all my characters so they are actually 1 person.)

#    ##                         ###
015: 2				2
020: 2				4
025: 1.75			7
030: 1.6/7			13
035: 1.11/13			24
040: 1.75			42
045: 1.2/3			70
050: 1.22/35			114
055: 1.11/19			180
060: 1.97/180			277
065: 1.139/277			416
070: 1.97/208			610
075: 1.267/610			877
080: 1.360/877			1237
085: 1.479/1237			1716
090: 1.157/429			2344
095: 1.813/2344			3157
100: 1.1041/3157		4198
105: 1.1317/4198		5515
110: 1.1651/5515		7166
115: 1.2052/7166		9218

  #: Skill/Spell Percent
 ##: Number of times of the cost of the previous 5%
     (If they are fractions, they are shown as: {whole number}.{numerator}/{denominator}
###: Number of times of the base cost

NOTE: 1) Base Cost is calculated using: Race Cost x Base cost stated from help file.
         (NOTE: NOT rounded down)
      2) Cost for 10% is the Base Cost.
      3) Final Cost is Rounded DOWN.
      4) You cannot calculate costs to train/study a skill/spell
         from 5% to 100%(for example) by adding up all the values,
         since the costs for each 5% is rounded down.

Level Costs
For those who need some help, click here for examples.