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The Watchmaker

Genesis 1:1
 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”


Teaching Tool - a watch


This is my watch.  It has the ability to give me a lot of information, the time, the time in other time zones, the day, and it can be used as a stop watch to time races and other athletics events.  This watch is digital so it is made up of many small electronic parts.  The older models had springs and gears.  Regardless of which model you are looking at, it is amazing how it all comes together to give us a variety of information.


I have heard the illustration of how the world being created by a big bang method would be the same as taking a handful of parts and throwing them against a rock and expecting them to become a watch.

Anyone knowing anything about watches knows they are made up of many parts each with a specific purpose.  Eliminate any part and the watch will not run as expected.


Such is God’s creation.  All things are interrelated.  Oxygen is needed to make water.  Water is need for things grow.  Plant life is needed to sustain animal life.  Eliminate some facet of God’s creation and life is not possible.


Human beings are the same way.  Each of us has different abilities.  None of us can go it completely alone.  Progress depends on the contributions of many people of different abilities.  God has tuned this universe like a fine watch; all things and all beings are necessary.  All fit into some part of God’s plan.


Father we acknowledge your lordship in all things.  We marvel at your creation and accept you as Lord of all things. Amen