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Mission of the Church

“For What Profit a Man”


Scripture: Matthew 16:26, “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (KJV)


I am reminded of the parable told by Jesus of the man who had a large harvest and decided to build bigger barns only to find that he was to die that very night.[1]  Jesus is saying it is foolish to be rich in material goods but poor in your relationship to God.[2] The punch line to the story can be found in Matthew 16:26, “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”[3] (KJV)


We see many great programs operating in churches across the country.  We see soup kitchens to feed the needy.  Space is given free of charge to organization such as AA and NA.  Many churches run tutoring programs and daycare programs.  These are wonderful endeavors and certainly things in which the church should be involved.


However we must always be very careful about not losing track of in whose name we accomplish these works.  I am reminded of a Christian denomination that provided space for another faith whose place of worship had been burned down.  Some were concerned that all of the trappings of Christianity should be removed so as not to be offensive to the other religion.   The act of charity must be clearly understood as a work done because we are Christians not because we are just nice people.  When Jesus healed the blind man the man was clear in his declaration.  I do not know if this man is a sinner all I know I was blind now I see.  He did not back away from this even though it caused him considerable discomfort at the hands of the religious leaders.


All the works that we do as a church and as Christians must be geared toward the fulfillment of Matthew 28:19.  What profit a church that does many good works but in the process loses many souls for eternity?  And also denies the one in whom our salvation relies.  We do good works because we are Christians not to work our way to heaven or provide a social need.


Father may we not be as the foolish rich man but keep our eyes on the prize and be fully aware of the true mission of the Church of Jesus Christ. Amen


[1] Luke 12:16-21

[2] Ibid.

[3] This scripture is presented in a different context but shows very clearly the concept Jesus was attempting to present with this Parable.   In Matthew 16:26 Jesus was showing how one must give their  all and follow him. Is this not the true mission of the “Church.”  Everything done as a church, regardless of how socially wonderful it may be, must be geared toward presenting Jesus Christ to a lost World.