
 ·•¤ Adopt Me! ¤•·

Welcome to my petpage! Eep, isn't that little lupe plushie so cute. It looks just like me, and who wouldn't want a plushie just like me? I would love plushies just like me.
Anyways, moving on.. Here you may be able to see, that i collect adoptables for little part of my petpage. Cute, no? If you have any, please neomail me and tell me, okay? Okay!
Moving on once again.. Here you can learn little things about me. Not to much though, i like to keep my secerts.. So pshwa and go look at my page!


Friends, the best thing in the whole wide world. Where would everyone be without friends? We would be walking things, just giving each others evil looks. I don't think i would like that. I like seeing lupes, or people, with friends. It the most touching thing ever, could make you cry. Or maybe not, well here is all the friends I have met up with so far!

Liphara: Liphara, my bestest friend! Her and I, have been hanging out alot. I got her petpet for her, didn't take long to catch it. Sh, i think it was almost dead when i found it. Also, her petpet like fish..
Storm: My old Alpha, I do believe I would call her a friend, we hang out some times. Not to much anymore, now that I left her pack. Don't think i'll be seeing any of my friends from my old pack to much anymore.
Rin: Rin, is now my friend. She use to be my love, but we didn't talk for about a week. Haven't seen her really since the day we got together. Hm, wonder what happened to her...
981: 981 and I, have been friends for a long time. We use to do the most stupidest stuff. He knew me when I was red, then purple, then shadowers, THEN fire. Heh, alot of color changes, no?


Oh! You want to hear about my past, wow.. Thats amazing, well not really. My story has boring points and happy points and so on. Heh, this story might be long cause i like to go on and on. Then again i have seen really long stories...

Well, it began long time ago. Seems like so long ago. Well, it all started when I was a little human boy. Yes, I do mean human, I was born human. Moving on.. If i do say so myself, I thought I was a cute little boy. With bright blonde hair. The most beautiful blue eyes.. Okay, maybe I'm going alittle to far. I was abandoned, yes it true. My blue eyes didn't look to pleasing anymore, and my blonde hair was full of dirt. My clothing torn and ripped, I was left to stealing from people, and whenever caught, those whips really hurt...

One day, walking down a street. I ran into this man, he was tall and slim. The look on his face as he stared down at me, will always give me chills. He offered to take care of me, and at this point of time. I was rather beaten up and could do with some food. So, he toke me away from my homes on the streets...

He didn't really take care of me. Instead he did test on me. Injections and all these other things. Wierd things happened from some of them.. I turned into this ugly beast. Luckily I had the power to shape shift. So, I wouldn't have to be that ugly beast i was. Some of things that happened to me was that I got these fire powers, no idea how though. Same with, shape shifting and teleporting. Sometimes I can move objects, or heal lupes or people. The thing is, my powers don't work all the time and i was made with them to kill and destory people.

A long time later, i destroyed the lab. Not wanting what happened to me. To happen to anyone else. I turned into this lupe like form and ran from the world of the humans. Soon I ran into other lupes. I became great friends with some. Soon I fell into love with a lupess named Ellie. It didn't last long before we fell out of love. I went through things like this many times. With about nine lupess. Things weren't turning out well..

So I changed myself, and turned into my true meaning in the world now. Evil, everything seemed so right like this. No care in the world, watching people die at my feet begging for mercy. I loved it, now I don't know why I did. I can't really remember what happened but I changed...

Still remember those days, I vowed not to kill again. Heh, sounds so.. odd. I hate what I did back then, and how I was such a monster. I have changed so much from back then and made new friend still holding onto some old ones.

I soon met this lupess, she was so, so.. No words can describe how she is. She is my sun, my moon. My morning, afternoon my night.. She is my life.. I don't know what I would do without her. I haven't gotten the courage to tell her how i feel. It seems at the time being she cares for someone. She won't let me know though... heh..

Well here my life story, sorta mixed with my love life story. Hope i wasn't to long for you.. Well go about looking at the rest of my page and enjoy yourself..

About Me/ Stats


Full Name: Alargamento
Nick Names: Alarg, Lugry, Argie, King o' Fluff, and Cowboy
Current Pack: Frozen Darkness
Rank In Pack: Warrior
Family/Siblings: None..
Love Of Life: Liphara
Coat Color: Black with red flames
Eye Color: Deep blue
Wing Color: Large wings, with fire coloring..
Best Friend: Liphara


Level: #LEVEL
Strength: #STRENGTH
Movement: #MOVE
Defence: #DEFENCE
Intelligence: #INTELLIGENCE

Battles Fought: #BD_PLAYED
Battles Won: #BD_WON
Battles Lost: #BD_LOST
Battles Tied: #BD_DRAWN
All Together Score: #BD_SCORE


 ·•¤ Adopt Me! ¤•·

♥ Liphara ♥

No words can describe how i feel for you..

Other Junk

Here is some other things that rock my sawkness.. -he bobs his head-

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