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January 29, 2003 18:21:00 EST

Review of Syllabus

Theme of this semester
• Object Oriented Programming (OOP) or Object Oriented Design (OOD)
• Procedural of Programming and Design
• Web Programming (read chapter 7)

Introduction to a Structure
• Physical grouping of related variables together are called C-structure
• Physical grouping of related variables and functions is called a class where object is instantiated from. For example an object is an instance of a class (discussed in chapter 8)
• Difference between C and C++
o Original name of C++ was C with classes. C++ contains classes. It made C a better C (i.e. cin, cout, new, etc.). File handling is simpler in C++.
o C does not contain classes
o Difference between a structure in C and in C++, in C you can only group variables, compared to C++ where you can group variables and functions.
• In true OOP, int is cla ss and x is an object of that class. C++ and Java are not true OOP languages, they are hybrid languages.
• In true OOP functions are called methods and variables are called data members.
• Classes in C++ are divided into 2 parts, structure and class.
• In a C++ structure, you create your own datatype, in C you create your own tag (see chapter 7, fig. 7.3a and 7.3b).
• You cannot work with the class; a class is only a blueprint. You actually work with the object(s) in the class.
• By default all members in a structure are public. By default all members in a class are private.
• When you think class, think classification.

Do 3 programs from the book. Bring in source code and test data where applicable