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Welcome to the Dragon's Haven!

Hi! This is my homepage, the Haven. My name is Maven.
Yes, I know it rhymes rather annoyingly. So sue me.
Anyways, as you can see, this site is in the process of still being constructed.
I used to have a different homepage but that was taken down and I hadn't had the time to work on a new one until now.
Hopefully, this one will turn out better than the old one.

In the meantime, why don't I just tell you what this site will be about...
It will be a bit personal, aside from the fact that this site is also more experimental at the moment.
I will be including pages where images/pictures will be placed.
A brief "about me" page. You can click here to access it: About Me!
Some poetry.
Links to some of my favorite sites. Which can be found here: My Favorites!
And my favorite: an entirely separate section will be dedicated to my favorite t.v. shows which will be explained later.
In the meantime, let's see what I can do about making this more interesting. Shall we?

Here is a list of links to some of awesome sites. They're really entertaining!:

If you feel a sudden urge to email me or would like to comment on my homepage,
please feel free to do so at
Please be advised.. All flames and unneccessary insults will be pointed at and laughed at. Have a nice day! :)