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October 20th, 2004~_~ Sorry, but I took down the site (finally) because yeah... no one was reading the story and stuff... so I'm gonna use this site for other stuff. My old site ( I've abandoned cause freewebs is being stupid and when I log on I get a blank page and can't do anything and when I push back or close the window and come back, I'm not logged in e_e. So I'm just gonna use this now. My brother also moved my site to somewhere without asking me so he has to take it down... wherever he put it. I' gonna remake the layout then put it all up. I've been planning on doing this for a bit of a while now and I WANTED to do it 2 days ago, but my mom unhooked my computer and put hers in where mine used to be so I put my computer in my room today and i can finall do stuff on here again. Um.. well expect the new layout out to be up in 2-6 weeks (heh... like package delivery.. heheh... --" ) ...

November 24th, 2004
My new layout is still being worked on. Sorry im taking too long. I'm being a lazyass. Maybe the week before Christmas it will be up. Oh and I put a little kitty thing below on the page. It's supposed to be Sora, my cat except Sora is white with light brown spots so it dosn't really look like him. Play with him anyway. He's cute. ^^

Former Site Place
FanArt Central (if you go there look me up. My username is Yume)
Fuse! The bestest musical channel site!

adopt your own virtual pet!

Last Updated November 24th, 2004