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The Debut of The Slayer of Evil!!

"The Slayer of Evil"
Disclaimer:The Following Roleplay and The Layout was desigined by me, I used my own html knowledge and pictures from the site If you want help making a layout like mine, try to contact me and I will see what I can do to help you.End Disclaimer.

It is a normal day outside the arena. Fans pack in to see there favorite stars. They carry signs, action figures, dolls, belts, and dawn t-shirts, caps, and and other gear of there favorite superstars. It is warm, for a night. Fans file in to the arena. Only mere miniutes ago stage hands and workers worked anxiously to prepare the arena, with lights, cameras, pyro, the ring, announcer table, and everything that will be needed for the nights preformance. As the camera scans over the seemingly endless line of fans outside, people jump up and yell, and take advantage of the oppurtunity to be caught on camera. As the people get in line to recieve tickets, and merchandise, they also treat themselves to refreshments and cold drinks. Everyone has spent there hard earned money to come out and enjoy the show. As everyone runs to there seats, they have no idea the show is about to take a dramatic turn for the better. As the cameras stay on the inside a limozine pulls up outside. The driver runs to the back quickly and opens the door. A somewhat tall man with a nice body and broad shoulders in a trenchcoat, shirt and jeans steps out and closes the door behind himself*
Driver: Sir, I am so, so sorry. I got through the traffic as fast as i could, im terribly sorry I made you late.
Man in Trenchcoat: Its cool man, take it easy. *reaches in wallet and pulls out 10 dollar bill* Infact, here, have this. You and your girlfriend can grab a bite to eat together. Theres a Long John Silvers resteraunt just down the street. And don't worry about coming back, i got a ride. * he grabs his bag out of the trunk and pats side of the drivers arm twice* Have a good time. Take it easy man.
Driver: Thank you sir!
*The man in the trenchcoat walks with a smile on his face. He takes his sunglasses off and puts them in his pocket. He looks around the place, and passes another man walking. He throws his hand up and then walks to the door*
Doorman: Hey buddy where do you think your going?
Man in Trenchcoat: Oh, I'm debuting tonight. I was schedueled to show up.
Doorman: Look pal, theres a list to this place. There are specific people who are on it and they get in. This is so we can keep creeps out.
Man in Trenchcoat: Oh, don't worry, my name is on the guest list. I called and registered earlier. If you want to look for me sir, i think you might can find it under-
*The Doorman quickly cuts off the man impolietly*
Doorman: Hey buddy, what part don't you get? The Boss told me to guard this place. I ain't letting you in!
Man in Trenchcoat: Look sir, i know you have to feed your family too, but I'm supposed to be making a debut tonight, and If you would just let me in, then you could go to the office. I signed contracts a few days ago.
Doorman: Contracts eh? Well if you did, then the boss should have made a copy of them and gave them back to you. If you wanna get in this building, then im going to need to see them. Regulations sir.
Man in Trenchcoat: Ok, i can understand that, its cool...
*The man wearing the trenchcoat reaches into his backpocket and pulls out his wallet which is attached to a chain. As he opens it, the doormans hand comes down and smacks his wallet down. The Wallet dangles from the chain and the sound of pennies, dimes, nickles and quarters hitting concrete echos. The man in the trenchcoat gets a hard stare of wonder locked on the doorman*
Man in Trenchcoat: Hey buddy, what did you do that for?!
Doorman: Look pal, im in charge out here, contracts or no contracts, i think your a creep and i say your not gettin in this place! Beat it idiot!
Man in Trenchcoat: Come on man, im here on buisness,i dont want any trouble ok. I know your doing your job, i respect that. But I am a member of this company too and I am schedueled for a debut tonight. I dont want any confrentation with you.
*The doorman springs forward and slaps the man across the face. This pronts the man wearing the trenchcoat to push the man who slapped him down on the ground. He then reaches his hand down to help him up. As he pulls the man up and starts to apologize, the man hits him in the stomach hard. But the man in the trenchcoat is barely hurt, just infuriated. He notices that the guard is wearing a belt equipped with pepper spray and a regulation night stick. He also sucpects hes armed with a knife and maybe may be concealing a small pistol. He knows he must take him out quick. Using his extreme strength he grabs the mans throat and holds him up easily with one arm then throws him aside. The man hits one wall and bounces off another then falls.*
Man in Trenchcoat: *quietly to himself* saying im a creep, man that guys a creep if i ever saw one. He'll be out for a while....I Really had no choice but to do that. I better go get him some ice...
*The man who is in the trenchcoat, picks up his change and puts it back in his wallet, snaps it shut then puts it back in his pocket. He picks his gym bag back up, which fell off when he pushed the man down, and opens the door and walks in. A stagehand which knows him shouts at him.*
Stagehand: Hey Warrior! How you been man?
Warrior(man in trenchcoat): Hey Mike, I been pretty good.
Stagehand Mike: Phsyched up to be here man???
Warrior: You know it! Hows the Ms.'s?
Stagehand Mike: Her and me doing great. Seven months now! What about you? Found the right woman yet?
Warrior: Well, I can't say for sure. I found a nice girl im talking too. You know how i took that one year break after i retired as the champion when my old company shut down?
Stagehand Mike: Yeah, not like you to miss that long Warrior...
Warrior: Well, i was offered contracts by several other companys but i was off for 3 months before i ever started looking for a new company. Then i finally found this one and got some contracts. Im gonna love it here. Great scenery, awesome talent, less demanding work schedueles, good pay, good amount of belts, which i will win *smiles* and my favorite, great competition. I can't wait to get in the ring with these guys. Speaking of which, that doorman out there is a creep. He wouldnt let me in, and i tried being polite, but after a while he slapped me, so i pushed him and then when i was trying to help him up he hammered me in the gut.
Stagehand Mike: Ouch. So what did you do?
Warrior: Lets just say you better get an icepack out there when he wakes up.
*Stagehand Mike and Warrior both share a good laugh*
Stagehand Mike: Man warrior, i dont know how you do it. I mean any other guy would have hammered him first word out of his mouth.
Warrior: Mike, remember, I'm Christian now. I've turned my life around. I don't like fighting unless its in the ring or defending one of my loved ones.
Stagehand Mike: Don't worry about it Warrior. I mean no one likes that guy. Hes kind of a creep. Now come on tell me about that girl you met!!
Warrior: Well I met her at my church back in West Virginia. Shes nice, and really hot, smart, got a great personality too.
Stagehand Mike: You never left W.V. Warrior?
Warrior: Nah man, just like being there in the hills, the trees, and the family and friends.
Stagehand Mike: You know Warrior, i watched your matches in your old fed. I mean you are getting better by the day! But you know whats weird about you man?
Warrior: Whats that, my cutting edge good looks and swinger style?
*The Warrior spins around then snaps both fingers then teasingly elbows Mike on the arm and they both have a good laugh*
Stagehand Mike: Its that, any other guy with your ability, strength, and speed, would take advantage. He would walk around, thinking he was the boss of this place, pushing guys around, pushing there buttons, but not you. You use your power for good Warrior. How do you do it man?
*The Warrior smiles and chuckles and then replys calmy with a smile*
Warrior: I told you Mike, its simple. I changed my ways. I am not the man I was. I am a man of Jesus now. I face my problems with a smile and a laugh. But I still got my passion for Wrestling and keepin my body fit. Plus i gotta act a little crazy for the ladys. Jack Tripper style!!!
*The Warrior spins around again and yells like Micheal Jackson.Mike and Warrior both laugh again*
Warrior: Well Mike, its been great talking to you, but I really should be getting to my dressing room. I can't wait to debut.
Stagehand Mike: Ok Warrior. But I should warn you, you wont be on for quiet a while. Hope you brought a little entertainment in that bag of yours.
Warrior: Hey you know it. CD player, with plenty of Black Sabbath, ACDC, KISS, Quiet Riot, and my personal favorite, as we both know it....
The Warrior and Stagehand Mike: OZZY OSBOURNE!!
Stagehand Mike: Its weird. Every other guy I know who listend to that went goth.
Warrior: What can i say, goth is goth, and its not me, I just like the beat to this. Some people take it to seriously....
Stagehand Mike: Yeah really...anyway. I set up your electric guitar in your room, just like you asked, and oh yeah, a little surprise. The monitors set up so you can watch the guys in the room, and i hooked up the XBOX too. And the Y port is in there so you can play your original Nintendo too if you want.
Warrior: Ah Mikey, your awesome!!! Of course I guess i do feel a little guilty. I mean getting executive treatment like this on my first day.
Stagehand Mike: Ah don't worry about it. You deserve it man!!! After tonight your going to be back in buisness man. I mean Its going to be Rapid. thus your name "The Rapid Warrior."
The Rapid Warrior: Yeah thats what im praying for. But do you think my Warriors will remember me?
*The Warrior looks down and scratches his chin*
Stagehand Mike: What are you, crazy? Of course they are! The roof of the place is gonna go off!!! Its gonna rule!!! No worrys dude.
*The stagehand puts his hand on warrior shoulder and looks out into nowhere and motions with his hand*
Stagehand Mike: Your name up in lights. Just like old times. People chanting your name, you coming up with new moves and using your unorthodox style of combined strength, speed, agility, karate, judo, highflying, tech, and old style basic wrestling all mixed into one, "The Warrior Style" Charming crowds, delighting people who come to see you. They chant your name "Warrior, Warrior, Warrior" and then your right back in the grove and pretty soon this place will be your stomping ground. ITS YOURS MAN, JUST TAKE IT! HAHA.
*The Warrior looks forward wide eyed with an open mouthed manly smile shaking his head yes*
The Rapid Warrior: HAHA! Your right Mike. Thanks man. Good luck to you and the misses. Now im gonna go off to my dressing room. I got alot of time to kill...This is gonna rule!!! Thank God im back in my old grove now!
*The Warrior turns around phsyched up, jumping left to right in place low to the ground and punching thin air, then gets ready to walk off then stops and turns back*
The Rapid Warrior: Yo Mike, shouldn't we go check on the doorman? I really should go grab him some ice...
*The Warrior starts to walk back to go check on him then Mike sticks his hand out and stops him.*
Stagehand Mike: Uh, don't worry about him....he'll be fine.... dont worry about him...I will uh, check later....maybe...
*Mike smiles then The Warrior smiles and turns around and walks on. He high fives and says hi to a few aquatinces that hes talked to a few times then stops at a drink machine halfway down the hall way to his room. He stops, sets his gymbag down beside him , and reaches back and gets his wallet. He takes out a dollar before returning the wallet to his back pocket. He holds it for a second, deciding on his pick. He decides on a Fruit Punch Gatorade and then picks up his bag and sips his drink as he walks down the hall. When he finally gets to his dressing room he sees to large men standing in front of the door.*
1st Man: The Rapid Warrior correct sir?
The Rapid Warrior: Correct.
2nd Man: Whats up man, glad to have you here. Been a fan of yours for a long time. Well, a longtime for you would be about 1 or 2 years, since your only in your twenties. But your still one of the best.
The Rapid Warrior: Thanks Man. I appreciate it.
*After exchanging handshakes with the men, signing autograph books and taking pictures they let The Rapid Warrior in his dressing room. He looks around before setting his gymbag down. He looks at the monitor after sitting down on a big leather couch, then his cell phone rings. He reaches into his bag and pulls it out and opens it*
The Rapid Warrior: Hello?
Girl on the other line: BOO! Guess who?
*The Warrior replys in an excited tone*
The Rapid Warrior: Jessica! Hey! I didn't think you would call me? How are you?
Jessica: I'm doing great. I miss you though...
The Rapid Warrior: Jess you know i miss you too. But I will be able to dash home for church soon and see you. Im looking forward to it!
Jessica: ok, so how is your debut going? Talk to Mike yet?
The Rapid Warrior: Well the show hasn't really started yet, there setting up. Yeah I managed to sneak past the lines of fans tonight. I mean there have beens rumors of my debut, but Its a total surprise till tonight. Then I ran into this doorman. He wasn't too cool with me.
Jessica: But, im sure you werent pushy with him right? Remember, new Josh, not old Josh...
The Rapid Warrior: I know I know. I was polite. Late in the conversation he slapped my wallet out of my hand and change went everywhere, then i asked him why he did that and after he told me some stuff then i politley said i didnt want any confrentation with him. So then the guy thinks he can push me around so he slaps me right square across the face, so i push him flat on his back, then i put my hand down to help him up. But as im doing that, and trying to apologize, he nails me in the stomach. Now I was worried about my own physical being so i picked him up by his neck and tossed him against a wall....
Jessica: I'm glad you handled it that way.
The Rapid Warrior: Thanks Jess. Yeah , and I talked to Mike. He got my phsyced up you know, ready to go, back in my grove, confident and all that. I just can't wait to be back out there again!
Jessica: Oh i just know your gonna be great. I will be watching. Bye for now! Wait do you have a ride?
The Rapid Warrior: Yeah. I got rid of the limo driver. Poor guy must have thought i was one of those bullys or something like that. He was late coming through traffic. I told him I would like to be here a half an hour before the show started. Even though im not gonna debut till like half way through it. Hey you know me, I get nervous sometimes in new places. I like to be there for a long time. Get myself used to it. Anyway when we finally got here it was like 15 miniutes till showtime. Horrible traffic here in the city. I miss home a little. But anyway I let him go. He was all freaking out he thought I was gonna beat him up or something. Anyway i gave him some money. His Gf lives down the street. I gave him some money so he and her are going to grab a bite to eat now. Mike is given me a lift back to the hotel.
Jessica: okay, i will see you soon. Knock em dead out there!
The Rapid Warrior: See ya.
*The warrior closes his cell phone and sets it back in his gym bag. He walks over and locks his door then sets his bag beside of him on the sofa. He then grabs his electric guitar. he takes his headphones out of his bag and plugs them into the headphone jack of his amp so only he can hear himself practice. He catches the chord of E and starts to play a little. Meanwhile out in the arena.....*

*The announcers sit at the table chatting miniutes before the show starts.*
Announcer 1: So, have you heard anything about that new guy debuing tonight?
Announcer 2: No, tell me about it.
Announcer 1: Well it seems this guy is a hot ticket. Were lucky to have him here! I mean he made it to the big time in the first part of his career. Of course he was a fan favorite. He became champion soon. He retired as the world champion when his companys owner lost rights to the papers and the federation went out of buisness.
Announcer 2: Ouch. Must have not done to good for the poor guys career...
Announcer 1: You would think that wouldn't you. I mean people would think he would run out of money. He didn't endorse any products or do any other gigs like movies or anything. But the company paid him big big money because he was such a hot ticket. Word has it before he got into wrestling and he was in church, and before that he didnt have a very good past. But now everyone tells me hes a great guy to be around. And they tell me he is a fighter of all trades. He can match power with power, can take on a cruiser with the same agility and speed, can tounce a big man with power and speed, and they say he fights with a mixed style of karate-tech-and amature wrestling.
Announcer 2:Wow, and we got him in our company? I can't wait!!!!!
Announcer 1: Yeah me too. I've heard lots of rumors. Hes strong as Andre The Giant some say, and he has the technial and amture skills of a veteran, plus with that judo background of his, hes quick on his feet and plus hes got amazing agility for a man with such strength.... I mean this is gonna do wonders for our show.
Anouncer 2: And you know what the best part is?
Announcer 1: Whats that?
Announcer 2: We get to see this new talent in the ring with all of the other impressive talent we have in this industry. Its gonna rock! What was all that about his past not being good?
Announcer 1: I don't know. It's kinda shady. All i know is he still lives in a small town in West Virginia with his family and friends. He apparently has alot goin for him now... But about the past. I dont know. All i know is hes a nice guy now but I mean, i saw one of his matches in his old fed....
Announcer 2: And????
Announcer 1: Beautiful. I mean were talkin moonsaults, hurricanranas, belly to bellys, chokeslams, suplexs, martial arts kicks, and some of the most beautiful technical wrestling and reversals ive ever seen from a guy who hasnt been in the buisness much longer than two years...
Announcer 2: WOW! what an impact.
Announcer 1: Yeah and thats not all. I mean when he gets mad he can brawl too... Im talkin fist fighting. Plus with that kickboxing karate stuff, he can defend himself against big quick guys... but i mean when hes not makin his wrestling pretty, he can still go hand to hand really good. Hes a heavy hitter...
Announcer 2: Wow, I'm looking forward to seeing this guy. Anyway shows about to start in 5 miniutes. Im guessing he will be out in around an hour. Give or take 10 miniutes. But anyway we should review our papers. Just to make sure the show runs smoothly.
Announcer 1: Good idea...

*As the announcers review the papers , we return to the locker room, where the warrior sits in his private room, not shown to the fans yet. He puts his headphones back in his bag and then sets his guitar down and props back on the sofa resting for a while when a knock comes at the door.*
The Rapid Warrior: (to himself) Oh great, hardly no sleep last night and no rest before the show. (out loud) Who is it?
Person knocking on door: Its Tony Iommi, lead guitarist of Black Sabbath. WHO DO YOU THINK IT IS? ITS ME, MIKE, GENIUS...
*The Warrior laughs loudly then shakes his head*
The Rapid Warrior: Alright man, *laughs again* hold on...
*The Warrior unlocks the door and then opens it and lets mike in*
The Rapid Warrior: Hey, Mike, wheres Tony at??? Maybe he can learn me a song or two?
*The Warrior looks at Mike with a serious but joking look then mike laughs*
Mike: I just came by to see if you wanted to talk a little bit before the show.
The Rapid Warrior: How much money do you need Mike?
The Rapid Warrior: Alright alright man *chuckles* Im just messing with you.
*The Warrior sits his gym bag down on the floor and drinks the last sip of his drink and discards it in the trash. He then jumps up and props down on the couch and lands with his feet on a footstool just like The Fonz used to do on the show Happy Days. He looks up at Mike*
The Rapid Warrior: *puts two thumbs up and says mimicking fonzie* AAAAAAAAYYYYY.
*Mike laughs*
Mike: Only you Warrior. Anyway heard from your girl yet?
The Rapid Warrior: Yup. As a matter of fact, I talked to her just a miniute ago. Man she is awesome Mike. Shes intelligent, feminine, girly, and she likes me.
*Mike opens his mouth to say something but Warrior cuts him off with an answer before he can say it.*
The Rapid Warrior: Yes Mike, she has a great body...
Mike: Does she have a cute butt, nice bodge, flat stomach, nice tender tasty neck, cute feet with nice toes, good skinny legs????????
The Rapid Warrior: Yes, yes, yes, havent got a chance to taste yet but looks tender,, yes, and yes. Man Mike someone didn't have there Graham Crackers and Moutain Dew before they left for work....
Mike: Hey, i saw that on the big urban myth show, the graham cracker thing isnt true. I don't know about the Yellow 5 thing in Moutain Dew though... and you gotta be careful, its not only in Dew...Its usually in all green or yellow drinks...
The Rapid Warrior: Tell me about it... why do you think i drink fruit punch gatorade now and not the lemon lime kind....Well anyway all i can say is if some Yellow 5 DOSEN'T get into your system between now and the time you get home i sure feel sorry for your wife....
*Warrior and Mike laugh*
Mike: So Warrior what did you do for that year when you were off. And before you were even in your old fed... Come on, tell me a little about your past....
The Rapid Warrior: Well, when I got out of high school, I borrowed some money off my folks and went to college. I worked two jobs, and played in a band with my friends for money. And I live in an apartment. I went home every weekend for Church. I also took kickboxing, and karate, and acting lessons on the side. Me and 2 of my friends used to go hang out alot. And another one of my friends, when he and I were alone, we would wrestle in my apartment together, for practice. It was mine and my friends dream for a long time to get in this buisness. Anyway after i got my degree, me and all of my friends came down to a wrestling school and after we graduated, I moved back here and bought a house and so did they and eventually I found my company. While I was off from it for that year, I just sat at home mostly. But to keep myself up, even though i had plenty of money I owned a garage, and worked at a small resteraunt, and yup you guessed it, i got back with my old band for a few more gigs....
*Mike starts to ask Warrior about his bad past but gets called away* Mike: Anyway man, im sorry... *Mike glances at his watch* I have to go... I have to go back to my station...Im on pyro tonight. Only one other guy workin. I gotta go help him....
The Rapid Warrior: Oh, just came long enough to stop me from resting then run off huh?
Mike: Im sorry Warrior....Oh, and before I go I got something for you... Just a little adrenaline pick up before show time. Good luck, though you won't need it....
*Mike puts his headset on and dashes out the door locking it behind himself after tossing Warrior a video tape. Warrior catches it and then puts it in the attatched VCR of his monitor. As he stares at the TV he crosses his arms. A smile forms on his face. The footage shows Warrior in the old fed. It shows him clothesling a man over the top, then moonsaulting onto what looks to be a 300 + pounder, then superkicking a hated foe and the crowd going crazy. It shows him bodyslamming a huge man, doing a top rope archers kick to a man, then a plancha taking out 5 or 6 guys on the outside. It also shows about 15 clips straight of warrior using his fammed leg sweep to down guys. The footage also lets warrior hear the old announcers of the fed saying things like "Warrior is going crazy! Hes on fire!" and " The people love the Warrior!!!" Then it 15 or 20 more peices of 5 second footage, of warrior scoring 3 counts in each. The final peice shows Warrior bouncing off the ropes going for Necroses(fame asser) when the man who was bent over trys to down warrior with one of warriors own moves, the super kick. Warrior baseball slides right under him, and hits him in the mouth from the ground, kicks up quickly, then hits him with The Dark Sword for a 3 count, and the world title. The fans go crazy as pandemonium breaks out and alot of Warrios friends hold him on there shoulders as he holds his prize high. Then he motions for the guards to let the gates down as fans race in and all the wrestlers , fans, and workers, bosses, announcers, referees, and everyone celeberates the then rookies victory. Warrior watches as the footage finishes, then he kneels and says a quick prayer and knows hes on soon, so he grabs a mesh bag out of his gym bag and goes to the bathroom to put his gear on.
Mean while back in the main arena, the show has started and has been in full swing for around an hour. The camera zooms in on the announcers*
Announcer 1: Man can you belive that last match? I mean the finish was-
Announcer 2: What , what is it?
Announcer 1: I have just gotten word, that the newcomer to our company will be out here next! Folks, he will be here right after this commercial!!!!
.:[ Snickers Commercial ]:.
.:[ Advertisement for Companys upcoming PPV ]:.
.:[ Womens footlocker athletic white sneakers and white socks commercial ]:.
.:[ Gameboy Advance SP Commercial ]:.
.:[ Doritos Commercial ]:.
.:[ RCA Stereo Commercial ]:.
.:[ Remington and Benelli Gun commercial ]:. END COMMERCIAL BREAK

* The arena darkens... a quick gust of cold air blows throughout the large building and spotlights blare blue and silver light to the stage, then Ozzy Osbournes "Gets Me Through" blares over the speakers and the fans rise to there feet screaming. The people know whats coming. Theyve seen this man in another company and are ecstatic. A large missle of fire shoots down from over the ring to the center of the stage above the ramp. Black Boots walking can be seen on the titantron but it never shows the face. Then all of a sudden the lights come on and a tall muscular man with a buzzcut wearing black tights, black knee pads and black boots, black gloves and elbow pads, a long black trenchcoat and sunglasses walks out. He has a solmn walk, and a determined look on his face. As the fans recognize him and a chant of Warrior breaks out, he stops at the top of the ramp, looks both ways then starts down, turning his back momentarelly and extending his arms, walking backwards for a few steps he then turns back around and walks to the ring. He takes off his shades and puts them on a small kid in the audeince. Women yell and scream, men cheer for him, and kids climb upon there fathers shoulders to see there hero. He climbs on the apron, leaps over the top rope and onto one of the turn buckles. He points to himself with his thumbs repeadidly while leaning over slightly. He then extends his arms beside and slightly over him as the fans do the same. After doing this to all 4 turnbuckles and waiting till his Warrios calm down, he grabs a mic*
The Rapid Warrior: HOWS EVERYBODY DOIN TONIGHT? GOOD? I KNOW I AM!!!! Let me tell you, its good to be back. Now i know, some of you people may know who I am, and some may not. For those who don't, my name is The Rapid Warrior. Now if you by any chances watched any old shows in CTW(clashing titans wrestling) you should have seen me. I was the world, heavyweight champion of CTW when it went out of buisnes. I also won Intercontenental Gold before that, and i did loose matches in old beginning no name feds, but I was undefeated in CTW. I also won a Battle Royal. But hey the past is the past and I didn't come here to loath about my accomplishments. Now i know that I havent been on the wrestling scene long , but hey, long enough. I know theres alot of unanswered questions about me and my past.

This Was a Roleplay constructed Fully by The Rapid Warrior.
Property of Warrior.