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Downer Babies

Our kids (as of today)

The Baby Registry – for our next little one, due at the end of July (And we don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl.) Just in case anyone asked us, which they always seem to do, we wanted to be prepared… so here’s our ‘baby registry’ for this little one! One thing that would be VERY appreciated is FOOD, especially during the first 4 weeks (or more)! If you live close by, and would be willing to bring over a fresh fruit or veggie salads, some good Mexican food, Italian, some Chinese take-out, or even bring something over that you’ve cooked yourself, that would be welcome AND wonderful! THAT would be a GREAT gift! If you live near by, a little "toddler sitting" time would also be wonderful. If you are able to come over during the first month or more after the new baby is here and spend a little time with Forest and Veronica – even in the yard playing in the hose or in the kitchen coloring – so that Liz can have some quiet time just with the baby (and perhaps with a little nap for herself), that’d be great! They’d even love an outing if you’re up for that. Maybe a trip to the snow cone stand or to Ted Drewes? You are welcome to bring your own kids for this, too – you’ll have 100% free access to anything in the fridge and kitchen for snacks, etc. Even just one hour of your time for this kind of thing would be SO appreciated! Or if you are a cleaning freak, a load of dishes, laundry or just running the vacuum around the house would be very much appreciated also! Forest and Veronica are very excited about the new baby, but something special for then would be welcome items. Even special food for them or special plates. Veronica is all about presentation now when it comes to food. She might even like a diaper for her babies so she can be like mamma, or even a baby doll sling. These items can be made pretty easily, if you’re good at that type of thing. Hand-made and home-grown items are ALWAYS welcome! If you can MAKE or SEW anything that’s on this "registry", rather than buying it, please know that that’s also 100% welcome! Homemade blankies or outfits too! Hand-me-downs are also a welcome treasure. If you don’t need it anymore, and would like to pass it on, go for it! Now for "the links"… We try to use cloth diapers whenever we can. One place that we’ve purchased really durable diaper covers from is But we don’t have beautiful covers for a baby 0–6 months old! [favorite combination is PUL with side snaps] The mom who operates this web site (Lisa Newberry) asked us to tell folks that she’ll provide FREE first-class shipping if you let her know that you’re ordering a cover for this baby! Cool! is another St. Louis mom who makes diapers. Her name is Heidi. Her covers and dipes are great too. And she’s so close, she’ll even deliver! Baby Care Diaper Service: phone number 314-776-0444. You can just call them and let them know you are giving a gift to us. It’s $14.50 per week and $58 for 4 weeks. This will definitely save some laundry time. Another great thing now available to new moms is a post partum doula. Her name is Star Coche, 314-429-0253. She charges $8-10 an hour. She can help us with any household needs we require. For example: dish washing, laundry, vacuuming, watching the kids, whatever our family needs for that time. This could come in handy. Donations for her service are greatly appreciated. Post partum massage for Liz. Call Kellie Giulvezan at 510-5775 and tell her it’s a gift for me and she’ll send out a gift certificate. Dirt Devil vacuum for those quick and easy clean up times with these wild children. Diaper Pail Well, we hope this list has helped anyone who took a look at it! We do feel funny actually describing the items/help that we’d appreciate, mainly because we’re not very accustomed to asking people for help or assistance, but we hope this is helpful to anyone who takes a look at it, just in case! Thanks so much for all of your support and love!! The Downer Family

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