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Once You Go Jew, You Never Go Back


Welcome to Jews with Dews, the premier flop of a catering company.  Founded by CIA graduates DJ Friedman '02, Zack Fedoryk '02, and Margot Rackiek '02 who were looking to expand their knowledge of foods without learning about it first.  Sinking hundreds of thousands of dollars into elaborate facilities, foods, staff, and entertainment these three idiots plowed their ways into debt.  Failing utterly in providing food even remotely kosher this business has become immensely popular among the worlds most famous comedic personalities.  Bill Cosby, Robin Williams, and the late Bob Hope are among the first to ridicule these chefs and their staff for the pathetic job they do.  Surprisingly, though, the trio has lived on continuing to sink money into the black hole in the hopes that one day they will understand what it means to serve Kosher foods that are both of high quality AND edible.

Some stop on by their two and a half seat restaurant in the heart of New York City and try their famous Matzo "basket" Ball Soup, grilled whole lamb a la beurre blanc, or the ridiculously famous quadrillion dollar Kobe Beef and "Every Chez" meat loaf just like their moms used to make back in the old country.  (Somewhere in Utah…)

Zagat rated it a negative three stars and labeled "Jews with Dews" a sure crowd pleaser with projectile vomiting that almost reaches the lower east side.  (We're  in Westchester county!)  Be sure to invite us over for your next dinner party.  (Sorry, no Halloween Parties, Chef DJ returns to The CIA to compete in the scariest costume competition each year.  (He's a winner for over 2 years wearing less and less each year.)

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