Janine Melnitz Spengler

Client Administrator, GBInc.
"You harm one hair on my daughter's head, you sorry excuse for a scientist, and I'll hunt you down to the far corners of the Earth..."
"You harm one hair on my daughter's head, you sorry excuse for a scientist, and I'll hunt you down to the far corners of the Earth..."
October 28 Janine Melnitz is born in Brooklyn, New York
Janine attends the Worlds Fair in Flushing Meadows.
Graduates high school; her sister Deann marries Joshua Irwin
Victor Irwin, Janine's nephew, is born.
June. Hired by Ghostbusters Inc. Meets Egon Spengler
First approached by makeoverus lostsabucks, who begins to change her slowly to make her "perfect"
Canon Note: Admittedly, I tend to downplay this in one sense: I write her the same spunky self no matter when I set the story. If not for the strength of the JMS episode "Janine You've Changed", I'd consider all of the changes 100% apochryphal
Ghostbusters Inc. is shut down. When Egon is rehired by Columbia University, Janine quickly arranges to be hired as his secretary.
Ghostbusters Inc. re-activates late in the year, and Janine is rehired. She begins a brief fling with Louis Tully
Janine ends her dalliance with Louis. By Halloween, she's resumed pursuing Egon
Egon declares his love for her, and helps free her from the lotsabucks. They begin dating more seriously.
Late 1991
Janine and Egon break up. Ghostbusters Inc. is dissolved once more, at Egon's instigation, leading to a major rift with the other Ghostbusters as well..
By Winston's wedding in December 1991, Janine begins a rebound romance with Louis Tully.
June 6. Janine marries Louis Tully, but within months realizes it's a mistake. Still, her stubborn nature compels her to give him chance after chance over the next couple years. By 1996, they are living seperately and she files for divorce.
Over the next few years, she works in various jobs including child care. She befriends Rose Prevost.
Janine Melnitz's divorce from Louis Tully becomes official. She swallows her pride to go find Egon Spengler again, and ends up arriving just in time to be present at the creation of the "Extreme" Ghostbusters. She also moves hell and high water to repair the relationships between the four original Ghostbusters.
In December, Egon and Janine finally become engaged.
At long last, after fifteen years of confusion, denial, and reversals, the wedding of Egon Spengler and Janine Melnitz occurs.
June 13 Birth of Eden Marie and Johnathan Christopher Spengler.
September 11. Egon is at the World Trade Center during the attacks. After several nerve wracking days, he's discovered alive.
Janine recommends Rose Prevost to become a Client Administrator for the Ghostbusters' Los Angeles operation.
Eden Marie Spengler
Relation: Daughter (born 1999)
Canon: Fan--created by Fritz Baugh
Johnathan Christopher Spengler
Relation: Son (born 1999)
Canon: Fan--created by Fritz Baugh
Fritz Melnitz
Relation: Father
Canon: Seen in RGB; name is Fan (Fritz Baugh)
Denise Brandenburg Melnitz
Relation: Mother
Canon: Seen in RGB; name is Fan (Fritz Baugh)
Bella (last name undefined)
Relation: Aunt
Canon: Mentioned in RGB
Johnathan Brandenburg (deceased)
Relation: Uncle
Canon: Fan (Fritz Baugh)
Grandmother (name unrevealed)
Canon: Seen in RGB
Deann Melnitz Irwin
Relation: Sister
Canon: Seen in RGB; name is Fan (Fritz Baugh)
Joshua Irwin
Relation: Brother In Law
Canon: Seen in RGB; name is Fan (Fritz Baugh)
Victor Irwin
Relation: Nephew
Canon: RGB; last name is Fan (Fritz Baugh)
"Romulus" (full name unrevealed)
Relation: Descendant (24th Century)
Canon: Fan (Fritz Baugh)
Dr. Ellis Spengler
Relation: Brother-in-law
Canon: Fan (Jen Spengler and Fritz Baugh)
Jennifer "Jen" Spengler
Relation: Niece (by marriage)
Canon: Fan (Jen Spengler)
Katharine Melton Spengler
Relation: Mother in Law
Canon: Character is RGB; name and relation is Fan (Sheila Paulson and Fritz Baugh)