
Ectozone Home Ghostbusters Omnibus Ectozone Fan Fictions Ectozone Art Ghostbuster Links Ectozone Forum

One of the greatest movies of all time was Ghostbusters. It was followed up with one of the greatest cartoons of all time, The Real Ghostbusters (one of the most successful Movie-to-TV translations EVER). The mix of comedy, horror, and weird science was white-hot in the Eighties, and still maintains a loyal fan following to this day!!!

Picture inspired by Kurth, Lapointe, and Blond

Something is coming June 8, 2004...

Get a taste of it here...

UPDATE--May 13, 2004
It was one year ago today that I officially unvieled the Ectozone, and what a year it's been! The smash success of the Ghostbuster Omnibus Timeline and my Ghostbusters fan fictions brought me into the Ghostbusters West Coast, and into semi-respectable standing in the Ghostbusters Community. Grife, I'm a Mod at Ghostbusters Central, Ghostbusters Headquarters, and GBI. I'm Co-Administrator at GB Omnibus Fan Fic and the GBWC Message Board (and I own a second web site, the GBWC page!) So times have been good.

To Dr. Riddle (who is much missed), Kingpin, Brian Reilly (creator of the new logo!), Miss Janine, the GBWC members past and present, Netsolo, Jesusfreak, and so many more--Thanks.

You probably noticed things look a little different today, too. I've been tinkering with this place since it started, and as I learn html better it shows up here. I experimented with frames, but decided not to use any of it. Now I'm playing with tables, and I think it's really paying off--the new navigation sidebar looks great, and I hope it works out well for everyone (I freely admit I swiped the idea from GBHQ lol)

So happy birthday, Ectozone. Here's to many more!

Fritz V. Baugh

UPDATE--April 7, 2004 IT'S HERE
This is it. The day Ghostheaddom has waited for for seven years--the launch of the new Ghostbusters comic published by 88 MPH Studios!!!

Read Fritz's comments on Legion#1

UPDATE--March 19, 2004
There's some new pictures available on the Ectozone. I've been experimenting with computer coloring, pushing the envelope of MS Paint and the ULead Photo Express program (bundled with my cheap scanner) and I'm liking the results at last. The profile pictures of the four Ghostbusters have been completely changed, to new images based on the comic promo art by Billy Dallas Patton (albeit using the animated likenesses). All of the profile images used in the Ghostbusters Fact List have been replaced with computer colored versions, and I've also redone the GBWC profiles. (Go to to see them) Eventually, I hope every piece of artwork on the site will be computer colored. Keep your eye on the Ectozone Art Page for updates.


The Ectozone is a member of GBComm, the Ghostbusters community! Created by Brian Reilly, a contributor to the Ghostbusters Omnibus Timeline. Check it out!!!

Everything you didn't even know you were afraid to ask. Click HERE to enter the Ghostbusters Reference Omnibus!
My alter ego, Dr. Fritz V. Baugh, is a member of the Ghostbusters West Coast,a franchise of Ghostbusters International. Click on the logo below to visit the GBWC web site!!!

My own take on the Ghostbusters. Some of my own creations aren't this much fun to write! Click HERE to see the stuff...

Five newest stories (newest on top)

Ghostbusters Apocrypha: Charlie Takes the Fifth
A slightly different look at the events of 2002, from the eyes of a Peter Venkman who has led a far less fulfilling life than the one we know...

Chronicles of Gozer: The Tale of Atlantis
The secret history of the lost continent of myth, as told by the Chronicles of Gozer; more than one name is going to be startlingly familliar...

Ghostbusters West Coast: Love Sucks
A day at the beach turns out to not be a day at the beach for Robert Griffiths, who finds himself wrapped in the machinations of a woman named Isabel. And her intentions may not be good...

Ghostbusters: The Zodiac Imperative, Part Two
The Prince of Warlocks and the Archmage of Wind try to stop the Imperative, but more avatars are chosen: including some shockingly familiar faces.. .

Ghostbusters West Coast: Mummy Dearest
First, an Egyptian mummy goes missing from the museum. Then a guy wrapped in bandages shows up at the mansion of red hot white rapper think there may be a connection?

"Oh, God, he draws too..." A gallery of profile pictures of the Ghostbusters of two coasts...Click HERE if you dare...

There are other great Ghostbuster sites on the web!!! Click HERE to check out some of them!!!

Site Owned, Operated, and html coded by Fritz Baugh
Graphics by Kingpin
Egon Spengler "Ecto-Zone" picture by Phil Hester (Now's Real Ghostbusters#19)
Legal Stuff that's Boring Unless You're Louis Tully...

Ghostbusters is © 1984 Columbia Pictures. Ghostbusters 2 is © 1989 Columbia Pictures The Real Ghostbusters is ©1986 Columbia Pictures Television and DiC Productions. Extreme Ghostbusters is © 1997 Columbia Pictures Television and Adelaide Productions. The new comic book is (c.) Sony and 88MPH Studios. The new novels are © Sony and iBooks. No use of characters and images associated with the above is intended for profit, or to challenge the copyrights of the above holders. Characters not appearing in the above copyrighted works are to be considered © BG Baugh and/or their respective creators

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