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All About Me!



No I'm not a dog. But I thought The Above Picture was rather Sweet!

I thought I ought to create a page about me incase people got the wrong idea and thought I was some sort of Sorceress who's obsessed with recking peoples lives and causing havoc with tarrot cards!

About Me

I'm Becky Adams and I live near Birmingham-UK) I'm not a goth or anything like that I'm a sane Human Being(not sure about the sane part)! I'm 13 and this is my first webpage! It's still under construction but please send your ideas to me(email at bottom!)

I go to school in Birmingham and I'm a Blondie(no titters please) but I'm not stupid. I have lived in America for two years and REALLY loved it! I'd Love to go again and seeing as we are going in the hols, my wish is granted! I can't WAIT! We're going to Yellow Stone National Park to visit the Geezers and Moose! It's gonna be so cool!

I'm trying to improve my site so any jokes or websites that you think are good, please email me or write any suggestions in th guestbook. Thank you!