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ICV-2 Infantry Combat Vehicle

Infantry Combat Vehicle 2
The purpose of this vehicle is to provide mobility and light direct firepower support for small infantry formations in most conceivable combat environments.

Crew: 3 + 9
Total Length: 6.8 m
Hull Length: 5.2 m
Gun Overhang: 1.6 m
Width: 2.83 m
Height: 2.33 m
Combat Weight: 40,170 kg.

Primary Armament:
1x35mm Autocannon
Range: 3,000 m
Rate of fire: 2500 rpm

Secondary Armament: 2x 7mm AR-3-HBs, 6 x 66mm Smoke Dischargers, 2 prismatic anti laser aerosol dispensers
Ammunition Carried: 3,000x35mm, 4000x7mm


Power: 8 proton exchange membrane fuel cells, generating 120 kWs each, for a total of 960 kWs, lithium polymer batteries generating 3000 kWh
Fuel Carried: 8 alkali-modified fullerene nanotube lattice hydrogen canisters, containing 2kg of hydrogen each (100 kg) E½ 40 hours supply
Max Road Speed: 80 km/h
Max Off Road Speed: 60 km/h
Power/Weight Ratio: 22.29 kWt/tn
Transmission: Hydro Kinetic Automatic 3/3
Road Range: 2000km
Off Road Range: 1500km
Track Width: 40cm
Track Ground Contact:18,000 cm
Ground Pressure: 2.23kg/cm3
Turn Radius: pivot
Fording: 1.2m
Gradient: 60%
Side Slope: 30%
Vertical Obstical: .75m
Trench Crossing: 1.25m

Front: 250mm@60 deg (750mm HRA equivilant)
Side: 150mm@0 deg (450mm HRA equivilant)
Rear: 100mm@0 deg (300mm HRA equivilant)
Top/Bottom: 100mm@0 deg (300mm HRA equivilant)
Turret: 100mm@0 deg (300mm HRA equivilant)

Cost: 12 million USD

Layout Layout The layout of the ICV-2 follows classic design and accommodates a crew of three: commander, gunner, and driver. The Commander is seated on the left side of the center hull. The Gunner is seated on the right side center, under the turret, and the Driver is seated at the right side front of the hull. The rear compartment has room for 9 men. The rear compartment is also designed to accomadate a wide variety ofinterchangeable mission specific modules.

The turret and gun system are equiped with various weapon stabilization systems, including electric direct (gearless) turret azimuth drive, barrel actuator active damping control, fully integrated gearless turret/gun direct drives, and digital servo control, increasing probability of hit under moving conditions.
A deep water fording kit is available.

Electronic systems:
Independent thermal imaging, forward looking infrared (FLIR), electronic and optical day sights, integrated electronic controls and multi-funtion OLED displays, , electronic fire control, laser sensor, BCN gear (including 2 SNPS navigation units, FVT unit, and 4 MTRN communication units), digital data bus and radio interface unit, laser range finder, digital ballistic computer, and other classified systems. All electronics systems are tied into a digital appliquE½ command and control package on the Turret Network Box (TNB) and Hull Network Box (HNB) . This allows easy maintenance, as well as allowing future electronic growth by providing unpopulated card slots.

The stowage for the main armament ammunition is in armored ammunition boxes behind sliding armor doors. Armor bulkheads separate the crew compartment from the fuel tanks. The ICV is equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system. This system automatically activates within 2 milliseconds of either a flash or a fire within the various compartments of the vehicle.

Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) warfare protection is provided by an overpressure clean-air conditioning air system, a radiological warning system, and a chemical agent detector. The crew are individually equipped with protective suits and masks.

Passive Protection:
Basic passive armor consists of a layered composite. The outermost layer is a thin sprayed on layer of armor quality polyethylene. Next are several sandwiched layers of foam steel alloy, reinforced with embedded carbide whiskers, and a ceramic matrix, also reinforced with embedded carbide whiskers. This is backed with a layer of foam titanium alloy reinforced with embedded carbide whiskers. The innermost layer is a spalling shield made up of several sheets of 2-D weave boron filament, bioweave, and polyethylene fiber. The combined elements have a total Specific Strength* (MPa-cm3/g) of 450, or 3 times that of RHA steel armor.
The armor is installed in modular sections for quick and easy replacement and maintainance.
Lightweight contingency armor packages of polyethylene and foam titanium alloy reinforced with embedded carbide whiskers armor skirts can can be applied to the sides and front to provide additional protection. The full contengency package adds an extra 3000 kg to the vehicles weight.

Active Protection:
The primary active protection system is the Active Defense System (ADS), which incorporates various sensors, prsmatic anti-laser aerosol launchers and smoke projectors, non-explosive reactive armor systems, defensive lasers, defensive electronics systems, and kinetic defense systems.
The center of all the active defense systems is the All Aspect System (AAS). It uses 20 sets of detector arrays (16 in azimuth, and 4 in elevation) to cover the entire hemisphere. The detectors are multi-spectral sensitive: low light visual, lasers, radars, IR homers, proxemity, and other sensors. The warning system triggers various alarms, as well as defensive systems. It is controlled by a 700 THz main processor and an array of low-end subprocessors, with 64PB of onboard dataspace, which classifies the inbound threat and assigns the right countermeasure to defeat it. The countermeasures systems are automatically activated. After a threat is detecte, the appropriate countermeasure units are traversed at high slewing rate (over 600 degrees/sec.) aiming at the general directional of the threat. At this stage the target is handed over to the launcher mounted sensor, which performs the ballistic calculations for the final intercept.
The first system to be activated is the the Ranged Electronic/Laser/Kinetic Kill System (RELKKS). This is designed to be active in the 100 to 30 meter range. It provides self-protection against a broad range of incomming systems using soft kill electronic countermeasures (jammers and decoys) and hard kill active protection systems (physical interruption) to protect a vehicle from direct fire and top attack threats. This system includes a High Energy Radio Frequency/Microwave System (HERFMS), a Laser Kill System (LKS), and a Kinetic Kill System (KKS) . The system activated depends on the threat. The HERFMS kills inbound guidance systems. The LKS kills optical systems. And the KKS launches a projectile in the direction of the incoming threat, to intercept and destroy it at a distance of 30 meters.
At closer ranges (30 to 1 meter), the second line is activated. This includes electro-optical IR jammers, as well as radar, UV, and IR decoy systems. The decoys provide false targets to multi-spectral IR/laser or millimeter-wave threats. The decoys provides survivable miss distance against missiles and SFM threats. Also included are 66mm smoke grenade dischargers, chaff rockets, flare rockets, anti-laser aerosol projectors. The ALA projectors release a thick metal oxide vapor which reflects incident high-frequency laser light, while absorbing particle beam energy. The gas cloud released by the ALA obscures LOS for any unaugmented unit. The ALA also has limited radar scattering effects. The smoke grenades are for visible and IR making. The chaff rockets provide radar masking, and the flares act as IR decoys.
The close range (1-0 meter) active defenses include airbag and electric armor. The airbag system deploys a "curtain" down the sides of the vehicle held in place with simple straps. On detection of incoming shells, rockets, or missiles, the airbag inflates, using a carbon dioxide gas cartridge. The warhead is enshrouded in the airbag and slowed enough so the nose-mounted fuse doesn't detonate the warhead. Instead, the incoming weapon collapses and ends up looking "like a stomped-on beer can". The cartridge has to be replaced after one use, but the reusable airbag can simply be rolled up and put back into place.
The electronic "charged" armor system is composed of an earthed outer armored plate, a spaced gap, and an inner charged plate a highly connected to a charged capacitor. Shaped charge warheads detonate, penetrate the outer armor plate and the insulation of the inner plate, it completes the circuit, which results in the discharge of the capacitor and the vaporisation and dissapation of most of the the metal jet. The charged plates can take multiple hits onto the same section of the hull without penetration. Power to charge the plates is provided from the powerplant. The electrical system can be switched on or off depending on the perceived threat level, using the tank's internal power supply. Despite the high charge generated by the system, the "electrical load on the battery is no more than that caused by starting the engine on a cold morning".

Variants: Several Mission modules, which fit into the base vehicle, provide static battlefield installations to suit the nation specific requirements, including headquarters, medical units and logistic centres. The modules incorporate a primary safety cell with a triple floor. The base vehicle operates independently from the modules. The units are air transportable. The modules are interchangeable in less than one hour.
Varients include: ICV-2-NBC NBC Scout, ICV-2-ASV Artillery Support Vehicle, ICV-2-CAR Cargo Carrier, ICV-2-EW Electronic Warfare vehicle, ICV-2-FCV Fire Control Vehicle, ICV-2-FDC Fire Direction Center, ICV-2-FOV Forward Observation Vehicle, ICV-2-MEV Medical Evacuation Vehicle, ICV-2-RSTA Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition vehicle, ICV-2-AA Anti-Aircraft, ICV-2-MTR Mortar Carrier, and ICV-2-ATMC All Threat Missile Carrier