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Real Name: James some guy Click Here

Member since: 8/4/2003

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Tuesday, September 09, 2003


Wednesday, September 03, 2003

kick ass weekend at tims!!!!!, and yeah, a lot of shit happened that made a lot of us cry. but u know what fuckin sux? school starts tomarrow!!1  oh well, i can start saving money again!! )

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

well hello there, hows it goin? im doin good, well imma updatin cause i havent done so in a while, so yeah, i hope michelle is comin down, it will be sooo fun

Tomarrow morn : chibi gonna teach me how to make throwing knives, hopefully i wont f--- up and ill make it cool. well g2g bye bye! )

Friday, August 22, 2003

hey waddup, this past week has been so fun, omg, i think me and  chibi have been at yindas house for a whole week, how funny, well, im bored right now so bye!!!!

MIchelle is sooo awsome

Thursday, August 21, 2003

im sooo tired, gah but i cant go back to bed, u know why?

cause of those tele-marketers, they know when im sleeping, and when i am, they CALL, ahhhh noooooooooo

well yeah every1 is down so YAY! ) and i am very happy, every1 wants to see my dog, so i guess i might bring it over to lindas today. well g2g, gonna make me some breakfast

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