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Peter Goggin's Am-azing Super Happy Fun Time Page
Period 3 Part Deux

Heres my class.

Well yeah im a senior and as of today 11 days of school left. I like.......stuff........hmmm yeah thats about it. Oh right my veiws on government. Hm yeah i guess its ok i think its pretty neato when republicans win which happens most of the time now it seems whoo hooo. This summer I will be working at a camp and doing a whole lot of nothing! This fall its all about Longwood UNIVERSITY....some people still think it is a college....they are wrong Best School Ever

As you may be able to see i like to climb rocks. I wish i was as good as this guy but no im not and right now im a little out of action cause i was at the climbing gym and i landed on my ankle funny and it just popped right out. It hurts a lot but im more mad that i won't be able to climb for a while.

These guys are the men.....need i say more? BDS "is it dead?" Rocco

                                                                     Fun Stuff

 NINJAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow these guys are totaly awasome
 Check out a sport that more people need to do Try it its fun
 This guy is allways right...execpt when he makes fun of Bush YES
 if you get bored with me...... Fun stuff
 Best band ever Its so much easer when seafoam green is in fasion


YES i love America and i love when people try to make fun of us and get hurt even though i dont really like people getting hurt.......borrowed from georges website who borrowed it from BIG Jim


Ok well with that picture I guess its time to get what this web page is really about.....GOVERNMENT. The top of the page is just to fool people into thinking that there really is nothing on this page but they would be wrong. In fact this page will tell you everything you need to know about everything in politics.

Government Links
 Why America is so great today.......say hello to the US Constitution
 Good old GWB
 US Congress
 MY Political Views
 Congressman Wolf
 Senator Warner
 Keeping the peace....
 A Summary of our Representives.....
 2004 Whos gonna win???
 Who I think is gonna win

Sate Government Links
 VA Homepage
 Fairfax County
 Our State Senator
 Our State Delegate

You mean there are other countries in the world????
Djibouti Government
Overveiw of Djibouti 

Political Funny Stuff
Why its funny 

If you want to get in touch with