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You may be on ONE team only. You may quit your team at anytime, but don't be surprised if they seek revenge. If you are on a team you can use team mates items. However, if you use the item, your team mate may not use it. You must be on the same planet to give your team mate an item. The only time this isn't true, is if the item is in a base...

For Example... You want to borrow 1 sparring droid, it is in your teams base located on Earth. Your team mate is currently on Nameck, if you are on Earth, and you fly to the base, you may use the item.

If you are in a fight, your team mate(s) can help you. Handi-cap fights (2v1 3v2 etc...) require a 2 week notice. If the other person doesn't agree, then the fight will not happen.

To join a team, you must post a message on the rp board saying which team you want to join. The leader for that team will have to tell you whether you are accepted or not.

To CREATE a team, you must post a message on the rp board giving the name of the team and any description you want added. If you have a one-liner you want added to your team name, it will go next to, or directly under, your team name. Longer descriptions will be on your teams page instead. You may have both, or neither, or only one of either. But you MUST have a team name. Also, if you have a pic you want for your teams background, or main pic, give me the url or email it to me at Kaio-Shin