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The Dragon's Castle

It is around midnight and you suddenly feel as though you need to take a walk. As you are walking along the road it becomes very cold and windy, then it soon starts raining. Uh oh you've been caught in a storm as you run home you hear a loud sound one you've never heard before. You then feel as though you've have every single breath knocked out of you.

You awake to find youself lying in a bed made of the the most beautiful silk and flowers are every where and as you get up and look out the window you realize you're not back in the city but in a beautiful forest area birds are singing the sun is shining dragons are flying WHAT DRAGONS!?!?! you thinks to yourself, I must be dreaming. "But you're not " you hear someone say it is a girl maybe 20 or 22.

The girl explains to you that she found along the road side while flying her dragon Samila. They scooped you up and brought you to the dragon's castle. She also told you that her dearest friend Kristina who is the keeper of the castle went to Dragonrose Adoptions to get a dragon egg which will grow to become a beautiful dragon.

Dragonrose dragon adoptions
Cyberpet help site
Kristina's dragon nursery
Naria's dragon nursey
