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The Dragon Clan

The Dragon Clan is a group dedicated to the powerful dragon race. The members are dragons themselves or they have gone on a quest to find a sacred dragon ability, allowing the member to have some sort of dragon power. The group loves to fight and go on adventures. Once they are able to build a Headquarters, they will build a grand fortress. The group will also go on a major serious of quests, having to do with the numerous dragons that live in Althanas. The first two members with scores of 75 or higher will become high councilors. To become a High member, you must submit a score of 60 or higher. To become a member, you must find a dragon ability. All that is needed to become a trainee is getting approved by Amaril Torrun, himself If you want to become a high councilor, but the spot is already taken, then you may duel a member who already owns the spot. Also, any inactive high councilors will be removed from their original position and down to the high member rank instead.


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