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Swords, Knives, and Daggers

Scarab #1

A kriss I bought in Toledo, Spain. My very first dagger, actually. I bought it for what seemed like a bargain at the time and it ended up being just a little cheaper for one like 4 monthes later at home. Heh. I named it Scarab, since it has one on it and is Egyptian in design. This is Scarab in his sheathe.

Scarab #2

This is simply Scarab beside his sheathe. The sheathe looks pretty and all, but it doesn't fit nearly tight enough. The sheathe will fall out if I leave this guy under a belt. Oh, and I hate my flash on my digicam, but my pictures are blurry without it, heh.

The Brothers

A pair of daggers I really did get at a good price. These two fit right inside the same sheathe (as you can see). I still don't have a name set in stone for them yet. I'll take a better picture of them in the sheathe later.

The Brothers #2

And here are the Brothers, lying outside their sheathe. I must say I really like these two, even if they are too fancy for a couple of my friends.