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Alan Raul Martinez

My Friend's Cousin's Wedding

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The people in the picture starting from the left are my dad Raul Martinez,my friend Jannette Hernadez,me Alan Martinez,and my friend Sandra Hernadez. The wedding was in Victoria's Chapel in Las Vegas Nevada. They had great food, music everything was great!

Now here's a little bit about me. For first grade thru sixth grade I went to Saint Joseph Catholic school in Downtown Las Vegas. Seventh tru Eighth grade I went to James Cashman Middle School. I had lots a fun goin to Catholic school. Getting to be in parades going on lots of feild trips. Being in Student Council. But the best thing that happened to me in Catholic school was I got to be i 2 public plays at the Hutrigde Theater. It was the greatest thig that had ever happened tome. Sure ever year I was in the Christmas play, but that was only for first trus fourth graders. So in the fith and sixth grade we went big. We had to try out to see if we would get in and I got in for both of the plays. The first play we did was called The Wizard of th West and the second was Sleeping Beauty. those were the greatest two years in Catholic school. But then for the seventh grade I thought I was going to go back,but I didn't. For the seveth grsde I went to James Cashman Middle school. my mom was so scared that I was going to a public school that she got sick the first week i went there. But the first day I went I had already had made friends. Soon Student Coucil elections were coming so Iwent and knowing I not going to win because I barely knew anyone. But I still decided to run for 7th grade rep. I bought lots of candy and printed out papers and gave to people saying to vote for me. And to my surprise I actually won! I also got to be in the newspaper and soon became assistant editor. In the eight grade I became President of Student Council. I was in the yearbook committe and in National Junior Honor Society. And this year I'm going to Clark high school to the Academy of Finace.

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