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Red-Eared Sliders

This page is devoted for those who are looking for infromation about red-eared slider turtles, which are extremely similar to other aquatic turtles. I will search for the best information about whatever you need to know, I will paste it to this site (giving the website who gave me the info credit, of course), and I will get pictures of my turtles soon and if you have some pictures of any type of turtle or tortoise, email them to me and I will add them to the gallery. Please also email me any questions that you might have about red-eared sliders and maybe other turtles, I check my email every day and will find out the answer and will email you back ASAP. I encourage you to do that, because then I will find out more about turtles myself! I will also tell about MY turtles, which are coming Friday (it may be way past then by the time you read this) and will have a sort of diary, telling about their names, their differences, and some funny things that happened to them. I will try to update the diary atleast once a week. Thanks!! Remember, email me!! (I don't need to know your name or any other personal info unless you WANT me to know.) ------------------------------------------------------- Links: Aquatic Turtle care My new turtles Turtle Gallery Turtle Diary Turtle question and answer

My name Ideas. Please vote which you like by emailing me the answers at

Turtle Links. If you have a turtle website, email it to me at

Arts of Nature-the place where I got my turtles and their lagoon
Cool Sliders World-A great place to research how to care for your red-eared sliders
Another great Information place for tortoises and aquatic turtles alike!
