What do you have to offer me?

by Nicholas Johann Schlausenberg

These days every time I turn around I’m seeing more and more garbage written by whores that think they know what is best.
These women are indoctrinating the most gullible of the fairer sex.
All over the place women are thinking to themselves
I need to marry UP”. Which basically means that they don’t want to marry anyone LESS than themselves in social terms.
Young women these days want to be little whores until they get to be about 25 or 30 years of age and then find that perfect man to marry. Strange though, they are always complaining about a lack of good men.
But lets step back for a moment and think about it. There was a time in which 25 years of age was considered old for a female to marry. She was getting close to past her prime. Her value was rapidly decreasing. Now I don’t know about your experiences but in my world, virtually all the females I know in the 25 to 30 year old range have had at least 5 to 10 penises inside of them by that age. So I ask, how would it be possible for one of these types to actually marry down?
Sure you might say that they could marry down by marrying an ex-con or a heroine addict. But then that brings me to another thought. If women are so consumed with their discriminating policies, then why can’t men? In the same sense that women don’t want to marry a man that makes only $20,000 a year and drives an older car, why can’t men be more discriminating? Why should we want to marry a woman that has 5 to 10 or more living ex-lovers? She is debauched. She has nothing to offer. She has played the harlot and now doesn’t want to pay the price.
I ask you. Would you go out and buy a used pair of underwear? Would you feel super walking around in a pair of boxers knowing that 8 or 9 or 30 other men had their sweaty genitals bouncing around in them before you?
So it behooves us to determine the value of a woman’s virtuousness.

Yet it doesn’t stop there.

Most women these days don’t want a husband. For a husband in the true etymology of the word means a master. The incoherent little twats running their mouths these days do not want a husband. They want a neutered companion. They need a man that is more or less like a Yorkshire Terrier.

Now the question is do we want to be lap dogs or do we want to be men? Well to be men we must think like men because in the end, everything we do becomes everything we’ve done.
When looking for that significant other, ask yourself, will this woman be able to bear several children?
Is she strong or is she fraile? Is she mature or is she a perpetual child? Does this woman have good morals or is she a hate mongerer? To the female reader I ask: Do you gossip about and judge friends, family and co-workers? Are you meek in spirit? Are you honest and kind and loyal? Are you looking to better a man’s lot in life or are you in competition with him? The answers to these questions means not just the future of one family but countless generations to follow. Breeding doesn’t just mean passing on our DNA but also our way of life! If a family is full of discord and contempt for one another, more often than not, that way of living will be passed down to your children.

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Earlier I talked about the epidemic of young females and promiscuity. Yet I realize that no one is without their shortcomings and that change is always possible. I know that there are ladies that have been wayward in their youth and have since seen the error of their ways. But this didn’t come about easily. It didn’t happen by simply growing out of it. For if a girl is untamed and rebellious in her youth, that nature doesn’t just fade away with time. It becomes seasoned. And she becomes more willful in her defiance. The only way for the incorrigible to change is for her to admit her wrongdoing and subsequently she must swallow her pride. And many times it is easier to move a mountain than it is for one to eat her arrogance.

This short article was written not with the intention of causing resentment with no purpose. I have meant only to convey the premise that the man has a right to be particular as well as the woman. And seeing how men and women are like apples and oranges and not apples and apples, it is quite reasonable for the man to look for certain qualities in a woman as a woman does a man.
I wouldn’t tell a man that he needs to look for a woman that is capable of chopping firewood and building a fence. In the same sense, I wouldn’t advise a woman to look for a man that is a nurturer because that is not in his nature.
Men and women are different in more ways than they are not. This needs to be taken into consideration when asking the question: What do you have to offer me?

Nicholas J Schlausenberg