By Nicholas Johann Schlausenberg

There is a battle going on for the minds of the sheeple. Sheeple are the people in society that are like sheep. They follow. And they are usually dumb. They don’t do any research into what they are told and usually believe whatever seems to be the prevailing current notion(s). The sheeple are the ones that the politicians are running research groups to figure out. They would like to plant subtle ideas in the minds of the sheeple in order to be favored over their opponents.
Usually it goes like this: There is one group constantly scheming for control over the sheeple and one much smaller group trying to thwart the efforts of the larger group.
But its not just politicians that are involved in this endeavor. Many average persons
gain a sense of power over having control over the mind of another. We’ll refer to these individuals as shepherds. An example of a common shepherd is the friend of the married woman. She is an Indigo Girl Shepherd. This character is so well known by now that the television show
King of the Hill parodied her. This particular shepherd becomes friends with a woman that has a husband. In time, this shepherd gains the trust of her subject and starts to manipulate her. You know the type of person I am referring to. She is single, liberal and plays the acoustic guitar. Her idol is Melissa Etheridge or better yet, Alanis Morisette.


She firmly believes that her subject is too ignorant to think for herself and needs to be rescued from an oppressive husband. Instantly this becomes a battle between the shepherd and the husband. Maybe sometimes the shepherd and the husband will get into verbal confrontations.
What keeps this scenario constantly going is the never ending brainwashing that movies and television dish out.
Did you see the movie Titanic? Kate Winslet character is portrayed as the confined wife. Kathy Bates is the woman that is not afraid to take on the wife’s husband. Kathy Bates plays a more hands off type shepherd; more of a sidelines cheerleader.
And there’s other things as well.

Princess Diana. How has her persona been portrayed in the media since her death? Haven’t you gotten the impression that Diana was the demoralized wife while Prince Charles was the controlling clod that wanted to steal her joy?

Now I don’t believe that anyone can be forced to do anything or to believe a particular way. At the same time I realize that there are members or this VERY society in which we live THAT are being unfairly oppressed because of someone elses choice of lifestyle philosophy.

Ever notice that young girls have an upper hand in certain situations? Reminds me of when we were kids. Back in the day, little girls could cause all sorts of trouble and get away with it somehow. It was cute then. But its not cute now as some of them are destroying the credibility of actual victims of rape and abuse.

But I’m digressing.

You know there is nothing morally wrong with presenting the belief that a female is happiest as a mother and homemaker. Why shouldn’t girls be given this option? Why must public schools be forcing ONE single world view upon our daughters? Yet some fanatics in our society would say that teaching children that there are two ways is dangerous. When people are discussing these important issues in certain circles there never fails to be an outcry among the extremists claiming that we are a bunch of Iraqis wanting to keep our women locked up. This is an old ploy. Its called an ad hominem. Its meant to distract attention away from the merits of what is being said.

And that right there is the first fact that must be established. That there is going to be no harm in presenting two views.
You see, there are agents that would have us all believe that it is somehow dangerous to even think these thoughts. Doesn’t that smack of mind control itself? Who is really the dangerous one I ask? So it is imperative that free speech is not dampened.

Its quite interesting that these armchair thought police escape scrutiny. It could just as easily be said that their beliefs are destructive to society. Ever since easy divorce and child support on demand have been the law of the land, crime has skyrocketed. But we certainly wouldn’t want to infringe upon anyone’s right to be selfish.

Now here is a thought:
Free will is a fact of life, and because it is, we must present opposing views.

Social engineers tell us that life evolved from nothing. But there is an opposing view. I believe that Jehovah created the entire universe in 144 hours. Right here is two beliefs of polar opposites. But there are usually at least TWO views on any given subject. Don't let anyone tell you there isn't!

Back to the issue of shepherds. These little pixies step in and take on the role of liberator. They think they know best. Good intentions.
Guess what? Welfare was started with good intentions. Welfare was started during the great depression. The great depression lasted two years. Welfare, in its full blown maturity, lasted 40 years and did irreparable damage.

We must expose the sophistries. We must reveal the lies. We as thinkers must break it all down so that the sheeple can clearly see what is going on and can make their own decisions.

If we don’t society will continue its downward slide into hell.