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Laura's Page


There's snow! On the ground outside! It's winter! I'm in New York, a place with 4 seasons: summer, fall, winter and spring. They're all different : ). Isn't that amazing?

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I'm a mole!! I'm so happy :), so I went and actually did something productive and flipped around the sideways pictures from edinburgh, so now you can go take a look at those.

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Here I am, at Caltech, classes have started, rotation has started. I am a techer :) It's so cool. And I got some pictures up of other cool frosh I met here, go take a look. And come back later for pictures from when I visited peoples at mit. I'll get those up eventually.

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More pictures up, though still not the ones from vacation cause I didn't rotate the vertical pictures before uploading them . . . oops. So when I get on my computer upstairs that will be fixed.

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Here Gabe, just for you, all the pictures from two days ago in the park. Also still have a ton of pictures from vacation (a few of which were lost :-(, and I really liked them too, including a cool picture of the eye of london with an awesome sky behind it and the only picture I had of david, him and my mom laughing about something). But the hundred or so other pictures I managed not to erase should be posted soon, so check back.

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Finally finished putting up all the new photos of the girl's ultimate beach party and the last day of school (which comes in two parts because there about 30 pictures from that day). I may even update again some time in the next week or at least month cause I keep taking pictures with my new digital camera, and also I should soon get other pictures which I gave to my dad ages ago to scan in at work. So check back later too.

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High school is over. Oficially. No more ever. I can't believe that's the last day I'll ever be a student in that building. At least there are the memories.

And what better way to keep these memories than in photographic form? I got up the ones from signing yearbooks in the building. I've even uploaded all the other pictures I've taken on my new digital camera (!!). So soon there will be pics from outside in the park later that day and also pics of the girls ultimate beach party. It just took me until now, quarter to 3 in the morning, to get up one page of pictures, so that's all you're getting for now. Check back later for more.

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Okay, I've decided saving old posts is a good thing, so from now on I won't be deleting all the stuff I wrote, all you have to do is scroll down to see it.

Anyway, today is May 1st, which means two things; one: Happy May Day! and two: I had to finally make a decision and send in stuff to colleges to say if I will attend. So I'm going to Caltech.

That will be quite scary. But all new and different and exciting. And I'll learn a whole lot, and hopefully even have a good social life. What more could I desire out of college? time? Nah, I'd just use it to procrastinate. Variety of people, hm maybe. And then the guy to girl ratio, 2:1, or is it 3:1? Well either way, it is an improvement on the 7:1 it used to be when Miradanda's brother went there.

I guess my mom was showing early symptoms of homesickness for me going away to college, cause this morning she suggested we both play hooky; and that's what we did. It was really nice. The most relaxing day I've had in forever. And I actually got on well with my mom. Amazing.

But now back to school. So I should really go bedtime now. But my throat is being mean and sore and hurting. If it's like this now, I don't even wanna know how I'll feel in the morning. Yickiness.

Oh yeah, PS Gabe actually can go to RIT. Yay Gabe! Amazingly enough his dad stood up for him, said he should be able to make his own financial mistakes.

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Hey, so I got some recipes up. Go make food, it's fun and has yummy results.

But more importantly: where am I going to go to college? I was so sure MIT was exactly what I wanted. When I applied I thought it was perfect, I was crushed when I got deferred and ecstatic when I got in. Caltech, I was just like, eh, nice another acceptance, I'm so great, colleges just love me.

Caltaech gave me a free flight out to visit for prefrosh weekend, I thought hey, might as well just check out all my options just in case. You know, go a day early, visit my grandparents, it'll be fun.

I didn't expect to end up loving it. I'd just assumed I'd go to MIT all a along. But now I think I like caltech better. Yet there were so many things that just worked so well going to MIT, which I just asssumed. Now I have to work through those assumptions, which do I need, which will I sacrafice? And do I really love caltech so much more?

Hm, decisions, decisions. And only a week and a half to make it. Oh well, it could be so much worse, than confusion, and *gasp, oh the horror* of having to chose between two great schools I would love going to. Like how incredibly evil gabe's parents are being, not only not paying, but not even taking out loans in their name that he would pay back. So, as he was just informed Saturday morning, he can't go to RIT.

Okay, must go to dinner, parents are getting irritated enough.