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Case #1: Abstract - Chapter 1

Released - May 1st, 2003


Reverend Ricardo Santos has been murdered, but the evidence found at the crime scene is amounting to absolutely NOTHING.  Will the lack of evidence turn Kreg's newest case into a Cold Case File, or is it just beginning to heat up?




(Blue = Newest Release)


Case #1: Abstract

( Chapters:  1 )


This Series is intended for mature audiences.

Parental discretion is advised.


Case #1: Abstract - Chapter 1


He had only been talking to them for a few minutes and he already had a sinking feeling that one, or both of them were lying about something.


“Do either of you know of someone that would want to hurt the Reverend?”


Diego was the one to answer.  “No.  Not that I know of.  He was a really quite man.  Very Private.  No one knew much about him.”


“Did you hear or see anything out of the ordinary today.”


“We were too wrapped up in getting married to notice much of anything.”  When Melanie Martin spoke, she was almost inaudible.


“Thank you for you time.”  Kreg jotted down his cell phone number onto a piece of paper and handed it to Diego.  “If either of you remember anything, anything at all please give me a call.”


Diego nodded.


Something wasn’t right here.  There was a HUGE piece of the puzzle, and it was missing.  But something in Kreg’s gut told him that either Diego or Melanie knew something, and they weren’t sharing.