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The Site

How did this site come to be? Well.. one day I was just searching the net, and I came across a site called When I first saw this site, I thought it was owned by a company. But, as I read on, I realized it was actually owned by a teenage girl. I didn't think that it was possible for a person to make a site on their own at the time, so it was quite a shock to me. But, I went to the site every single day and read her blog and I found it very interesting. The more I visited, the more I wanted a site of my own.

So, not too long after this, my parents bought Paint Shop Pro 7 for me. I must admit, at first it was very confusing and I couldn't figure anything out! But I eventually learned the basics and everything. Well, I tried to make a site called 'Pink Clouds', but it just wouldn't work. I got so frustrated and just pretty much gave up. I didn't open PSP 7 once for about 4 months! And I also discovered that Jassy left her site for awhile and gave it to other people. That was another reason I just gave up, but not too long ago I went back to the site, and she was back ! The site was good as new and up and running ! I opened up PSP 7 and started designing layouts, right now I don't have a frames layout, but I have a tables layout on my homepage. This is the beginning. For now the site's called 'Innocent Deception'. Now it's 'Bitter Rapture'. I think if/when I buy a domain, I'll buy bitter-rapture.[whatever sounds best].

So anyways, basically this site wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Jassy. She was the big inspiration :). So check out her site and maybe she'll inspire you too. And also, I have to thank day dream graphics for the tutorial that helped me make the tables layout ! So that's about my site, and remember - its just getting started, so there will be lots of improvements !
