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July 1st, 2004

It's been a long time. I have my learners, I got them on May 29th (the day after I first tested). So far I've been driving a lot. Almost everytime we go somewhere I drive. The only thing I'm a bit nervous about is merging. My dad says I'm a natural though. Now my mom's getting all competitive cause she has her learners too (yes my mom doesn't have her license yet). It's Canada day ! =) Tonite I'm going to Don Cherry's for dinner with Christine, then to the late movie (9-11) @ the theatre, then to the fireworks. I'm excited lol. I passed grade 8 lmao and I got honor roll surprisingly enough. My average overall was 84%. Gym REALLY brought me down. hah. I babysat yesterday and the day before like all day. And it was so hot out. I like lost my patience and sanity. lol.. no I didn't, I'm exaggerating =)

OKay, its really hot here.. I'm going to go now =) Bye

Luuv <3 Steph

May 28th, 2004

I tested for my learners today, and failed hah. I'm going for it again tomorrow though. I hope I pass, cause I really want my learners bad !

I'm going to babysit two houses down in one hour. They're regulars so I know what to do and what not to do. I'll be babysitting late, apparently, so I'm going to bring the book im reading - The Third Eye. Its really good xD

Oh and I turned 14 on May 25th * Me and Christine are having a party together at my house tomorrow xD It'll be just for the girls tomorrow and we're having a sleepover, cause most of the guys are going to a football tournament out of town.

I'm going to go now, I'll tell you how I do on my test tomorrow :D

Luuv <3 Steph

May 15th, 2004

I got my mid-term report yesterday. I had all above 80 except for Social, which was a HORRIBLE mark. It's because of the test we took on Wednesday, though. I did horrible on that test. But I didn't study so I wasn't really expecting a good mark =\. But, if I want to get my learners I'm going to have to haul ass and get my average up to the 90s. And that was only a mid-term, so I have til like June to get all 100s lmao. And besides, my Social teacher said I had an NHI, which I didn't because I remember handing that project in ! And a couple other people also got 'NHI's from her, which were really handed in.

My birthday is in 10 days =) ! And the farewell is coming up reeeaaaal soon, my Mom is coming downtown with me today to look for my dress. I have to get one, and fast !

So yeh.. yesterday I came straight home from school and got to my homework so I wouldn't have to do it over the weekend. I worked my ass off on that Social module.. I'm so glad we're learning about Brazil now, because Canadian history was getting so damn boring. =\ And the reason I'm going to start coming home right from school and doing my homework right away is because lately I've been hanging out with Rhi and Meg and Cass and Jen and all them after school til like 6. That leaves me with no time for anything.. so I have to sort out my priorities, which is what I'm doing ! =)

So I'm gone now to study for Science ! We have a test on Monday =) Wish me luck !

Luv <3 Steph

May 13th, 2004

It's been two days ;) Whoo. Did you miss me? =P The Farewell is coming up soon.. and Kyle asked me to go with him last night xD I said yes, of course cause I like him. Yay =) He came over and we watched like the first 45 minutes of Con Air (the best movie EVER) then he had to go. =)

And OMG we are starting dance tomorrow in gym ! I hope we do partner dancing ! I can't effin wait ! But yeh I gotta go, later xD

Luv <3 Steph

May 11th, 2004

Summer Breeeeeze makes me feel fine. Finally we are getting summer-like (well more like spring) weather. I can't believe it SNOWED two days ago. Alberta weather is fucked rite up the bum.. =\ But anyways, since the weather is getting somewhat better, I'm feeling better. Although I still hate being single, I think I'll survive for a little bit longer.

So.. I'm turning 4teen in 14 days! YAY! I'm going to get my learners with Christine on my birthday since her's is only 2 days ahead cause then we can learn how to drive together ! Whoo ! I'm excited.. lol

Well other then that, I got no news. =) ttyl

Luv <3 Steph

May 8th, 2004

Once Again, I am single. But oh well, I didn't really like him and I had to end it =\. It actually ended on the 6th during L.A. He claimed that he didn't like me in the first place, and he was going to break up with me. But, we found a note under his desk which was a 2-way conversation between him and his friend and in that note he claimed to like me. And if he didn't like me, why would he ask me out in the first place? What a effin moron. All the proof was there that he wasn't, in fact, going to break up with me, and that he did like me. And then he turns it around and makes it look like he went out with me because he felt bad for me. Why, exactly, would he feel bad for me? There's nothing wrong with me as far as I know. Besides my minor panic disorder, which isn't really that serious. And that has nothing to do with my so-called love life. =\

But anyways.. yesterday me, Rhi, and Christine went video-taping in the woods by our school. If you go towards the middle of them you can't see outside the woods (or in my words, you can't see 'civilization'). So, we started making our horror movie where I supposedly was stabbed with nails to a tree. They had ketchup all over my face and down the tree, but they did that after they showed me so it looked like the ketchup just came out all of a sudden. Lmao. Then I came to life and turned Rhi into another version of me, and we chased Christine. Then we went into Rhi's house and filmed me 'killing' Christine. Then we made it so me and Rhi were just doing a prank and we didn't mean to kill her.. but then Christine sat up and said, "I can play too you guys". It was awesome =) lol Christine thought up the end part all by herself and it went great. Aha. I think we'll record more soon ;)

Luv <3 Steph

May 5th, 2004

I am no longer single. I just had to tell you ! I'm not single anymore.. atleast at the moment. Christian asked me out in a note lol.. he was like stretching his arms and 'yawning' and hurled the note at me in the middle of social studies. So anyways, I said okay and now we're going out. We're planning on going to the movies on Saturday, too. =)

No other news today.. hmm.. nope no news =)

Luv <3 Steph

May 4th, 2004

Changed the site name. Again. =P I really need to get out of this bad habit. I haven't even had this site a month yet and already the name has been changed. Oh well.. 'Bitter Rapture' has a better ring to it. I like it =D

I had the worst cramps from *you-know-what* today. It was unbelievable! I could've cried, it hurt so much. I always get really bad cramps around this time and advil doesn't help. I think I'm going to start taking Midol instead. =)

So.. how do you like the header? It features Emma Bunton. Yes, from Spice Girls. No, I don't like the Spice Girls, although I did when I was 7-8. But I think Emma Bunton is very pretty, and I especially like that picture of her, which I got from searching on Well, I think I'll go for now. And I'll try and promise not to change the site name again. I think If I buy a domain, I'll use this name xD.

Luv <3 Steph

May 3rd, 2004

[Addition]Like the new look? I got a new header and changed the style sheet. Whoop *applause* Just incase you never saw it before the 'big' change, it was a bluish colour before and the header was different. =)[/Addition]

I am so effin tired of being single. Everytime I turn around I see a couple holding hands, whispering sweet nothings, staring into eachothers eyes admiringly, etc. It definately doesn't make me sick, it's very heartwarming to see two people share a relationship like that. I wish I had someone to have a relationship like that with. I've had boyfriends before, but now I'm older and it seems to have come in style all of a sudden.

But anyways, on to my day. Nothing really exciting happened. For CTS we had to go running in like freeze your ass off weather. Everyone was saying, "If I get pneumonia, I'm suing the school." Hilarious. Somebody was eating a salmon sandwich by our lockers and on the way to french, I said it smelt horrible. Then, Matt and Alex told me I complain too much. That's a bunch of bull shit. How the hell would they know, anyways? I haven't hung around them since they started going out with my ex-best friend and her new best friend. Now, they think they're too good for me. All I have to say about them right now is: Think again, you little twits, think again.

On to a brighter topic =D. Wait, since there is no really bright topics of today, I'll tell you about the little cat fight I had. Lmao. Well, me and my friend Michelle were just sitting in class. Then, she wanted me to show her how to flirt (I guess I'm the master =P). So I was flirting with the guy beside me, who she happens to like, but she told me to flirt with him. And I wasn't extreme-flirting, just mild. But anyways, she started saying aloud, "Stephanie, you like him, you flirt with him so much." So, being the not-take-shit-like-that person I am, I got back at her, "You told me to flirt with him, and besides, your the one who likes him, truly." So, we get into this all-out catfight, which was semi-friendly. We start shouting each others secrets for the class to hear, but we end up giggling and pretend slapping each other. It was fun, but many deep, dark secrets were revealed. Oh well..

But anyways, I'm going to stop blogging for now, I'm bored. OH ! Before I forget! Guess what? I'm lactose intolerant. I found out about 2 days ago. I have to take these lactaid pills before I eat/drink anything with lactose. And that sucks, because I luv milk !

Luv <3 Steph

May 2nd, 2004

I am so careless. I had like all of my past blogs since when I first started on this site on the clipboard, and then I copied my style sheet and *poof* its vanished. But what did I expect? I wasn't even thinking.. oh well, I guess I can start the blogging all over. It's not like anything important was there.

So anyways, about this site. I have been wanting to make a site since I saw about a year ago. Everything about how this site came to be is under "The Site" in the navigation to the left. If anyone's reading this, I hope you know that I have been trying to make this site for a long, long time. And I finally made a somewhat exceptional site! I am soo proud of myself ! Thanks to a tutorial in Day Dream Graphics, I learned how to code a tabled layout. And voila, here it is ! =) [Faded applause]

Now, don't get me wrong. This isn't all my site is going to be. I can't even consider my web-designing dream fulfilled yet. I still have to learn how to make other layouts consisting of layers, div layers, and stuff like that. I'll probably be using this same table coding, but changing the header and style sheet for awhile. Probably until the summer when I'll have more time on my hands. If I get even better at html and graphics-design, perhaps I'll buy a domain. Mind you, I might audition for some plays here in town, and I'd have to dedicate time to that if I want to become more experienced in the acting business. But it's 10:35 right now, and I feel like counting some sheep. So night night ! =)

Luv <3 Steph