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Stephanie's Advice

- - This section of the site will be for advice on various things. All of the advice in this site will be used from my own knowledge. This idea isn't necessarily original, but I can't really credit anyone as no one on the internet had this idea, it's basically originated in Magazines and Newspapers. So anyways, I hope you find this helpful =), and if you would like to suggest a topic, or have any questions/comments please feel free to email me - click here.

Easy Steps To Become a Great Babysitter

* This column is basically a number of steps that you could use as basic guidelines when you are babysitting. *

• First of all, whenever you are babysitting children, you have to keep them entertained. Never just sit back and watch tv or go on the computer, unless they're watching tv as well. And never go on the computer unless their parents have permitted it and if the children are asleep. Always play with them ! If they have a little girl who likes barbies, play barbies with her, and act like you enjoy it (you might not even have to act ;)). And if they have a son and he likes lego or nintendo, play that with him. You can also play board games, cards, or watch movies !
• When they decide to watch tv or go to sleep, its time for you to start cleaning the house ! If there is any toys around, pick them up and put them exactly where they belong. If theres any dishes in the sink/dishwasher, then clean them (even if you weren't there when they were used). You should always tidy up the house ! It's a must if you want to get good recommendations. Who want's to come home from a day of work or a night partying with their friends to clean up their house? Nobody.
Never, ever under ANY circumstances slap/hit/kick/etc. the kids ! NEVER ! Even if they're really bad, try and work it out in a calm and firm voice that lets them know you're in control. Tell them that you are in charge so long as their parents are out. If it gets to the point where you absolutely cannot control them, call their parents' cell or whatever number they left you to get ahold of them.
• On that note, ALWAYS get a number for emergencies. Because you never know, anything could happen even if you are very safe. If something does happen, stay calm and be responsible. Don't leave it to the kids to handle themselves. But, you should know what to do because you should always take your babysitting course before babysitting. With the babysitting course certificate, you'll be more trusted and they will find it easier to rely on you.
• And also, if its your first time or the kids seem intimidating, don't panic ! The children will panic if you do, so stay calm and be mature ! You have to be mature to babysit.

I have discovered these simple steps as I've babysat for numerous people. Just recently I babysat two children, one with quite a few allergies, the other with a minor handicap. I was very skeptical and nervous at first, but the little girl was so mature and friendly that I grew to love those kids. Babysitting is definately a great way to earn money and develop mature childcare skills. Good Luck =)