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I have had some people say to me that not everyone can practice magick with any good results. I say, that is a very hypocritical statement.People who would say that are simply trying to place themselves above the rest.

I say that we can all use magick with good results. Of course some will have better results than others .This is because of the different lenghts of time studied and practiced .It also depends on how strong their beliefs are. If a person's interest of study and practice is at a level of hobbyist, they would expect to have a good result. If a persons level of study and belief is as at the level of devoting Magick as a crucial integer of their religious practice they would expect to have a very good result and could become a magickal master, and would come to a level of transformation within ones self where their spirit transforms into it's demonic/angelic self better known as the God form. It all depends on the study, practice and amount of belief one puts into it.
Hence another reference to the Motto of the HOD...
"You get out of it what you put in to it."

There are also those that I call natural born Black Magickians, these are people who are drawn to the Satanic/Luciferic path as young children and actively seek it out as though it were a destiny preset before they were born.
I view myself in this group, as I have been drawn to Lucifer as far back as I can remember. As far back as a child of 6 years I was drawn to him and at the age of 9 I began my journey on learning how to pray to, and on how to serve him.
Natural born magickians eventually come to attain their demonic spiritual form and actively seek priesthood in thier religions, they learn to write thier own prayers, rituals, conjurations, and spells. They become what we refer to as "True Sorcerers and Sorceresses"
Creators of magick!
They are above magick practitioners.
They are also the ones that branch out and using their own beliefs, form new religions and churchs.