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NLW: Halloween Havok

The first match on the card..
Reaper and bones took on destruction in a handycaped frist blood match, awsome action i cant remember all of it .. some great bump in the end Reaper was busted open so IGW lost to NLW's destruction

second match on the card..
Birdy vs nova
yet again one hell of a match i cant remember all of it again,. we gotta get a musiv vid of this! this was so fast so much action.. in the end i think it was a tommy hawk and the crockhunter that finished nova off

next match was the KOTDM title deathmatch...
LPC vs Frosty
man again one hell of match, these 2 can certainly take pain heres the main points
frosty was busted open first then lpc was... frosty ddted lpc when he was wrapped in barbed wire and it cut lpcs ear open.. frosty hit a huge van-ter-minatior into a barbed wire bin into the face of lpc.. frosty aslso slammed onto a barbed wire ladder, in the end frosty hit a stalling piledriver onto barbed wire, a stero, thumbtacks, a roadsign and a firegurard nearrly breakin lpcs neck.. got him the 3 count and a new KOTDM champ!

Next match, Roadkill Vs destruction, Tables
i cant remember much, destruction dominated most, but some good come back from Roadkill... roadkill was chokeslamed off the log thru a table BUT the ref wasnt lookin he was distracted by IGW.. then igw beat up destruction replaced raodkill who was kncoked in the mess of the table with him so it looked like destruction had been put through the table.. the ref rung the bell roadkill retains!

Main event.. the 6man NLW vs IGW tag match
frosty elinated 1st, followed by LPC, then jj, then reaper then birdy, then it was down to nova and roadkill....
destruction came down and destroyed nova!! turnin his back on nlw he put roadkill on nova.. 1.2.3.. IGW WIN!!!

Sorry bout these, we didnt get much of all the matches and when i got home i realised the camera was on the wrong setting so there bad quality but therell do until the music vids up..

Frosty Suplex's LPC
LPC hits a stero over frostys head
Frosty sets up LPC for the bin van-ter-minator
LPC wraps frosty in barbed wire!
Frosty forward suplex's lpc on the barbed wire bin
Frosty ddts LPC on thumbtacks!
The barbed wire ladder rested on the bin!
Frosty gets slammed onto that ladder!
Frosty stuck to the ladder
Frosty wrapped in barbed wire
Frosty hits LPC with the bin
Frosty elbows James off the top of the Bank
Frosty busted open!
Frosty on the floor wraped in wire
LPC after the devestating piledriver
The 3 count

Heres some from the 6man tag...
jj gets chokeslamed
Nova blade on roadkill