
Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to Your throne of grace on behalf of __________. I thank You that she is Your child. I thank You for sending Jesus to destroy the works of the devil and I lay hands on __________ in the Spirit RIGHT NOW and I say: In Jesus Name __________, you are whole. By His stripes __________ is healed (Isaiah 53:5). Jesus bore __________’s sickness and the chastisement of __________’s peace or wholeness was upon Him. I know that Your Word says that we will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. I stand now in faith and all the pressure is on Your Word to perform the miracle. I send your Word to __________ to heal __________ and deliver __________ from destruction (Psalm 107:20). I know that your Word will not return to you void (Isaiah 55:11) and that you watch over your Word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12). According to Psalm 118:17 __________ will live and NOT die and declare the praises and recount the illustrious acts of the Lord. It is done NOW. Amen.

Now devil, take your dirty hands off __________. I bind you and declare all your evil schemes against __________ now to depart from her body. Spirit of sickness, disease and death leave NOW. Bacteria, viruses, toxins, tumors, polyphs, I resist you in the Name of Jesus. You are NOT the will of God for __________. Brain, any organ...... – I command you to be healed and restored. Liver – be whole. I speak to every function of __________’s body and I say body – work and be whole for you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Mind – I speak to you and say that you are whole and you are the mind of Christ. Emotions, relationships and finances – I speak to you and say that you are whole. __________ – you are 100% whole and restored NOW in ALL aspects of your life, in the Name of Jesus and by the Blood of Jesus.

I now surround __________ with faith and love. I say to warring and ministering angels to go forth and minister to __________ as the heir of salvation. I declare and I decree that __________’s family will see a miracle before their very eyes and glorify God. And I thank You, Father God, that You will get all the honor and all the glory and all the praise for this miracle. Many will be saved, healed and delivered by this miracle.


If you can agree with the will of God then so be it.

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