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Virtual Hogwarts .net > The Hog's Head > Evil needs a drink

Posted by: Eris Valenti Dec 26 2003, 06:14 PM
Eris Valenti, owner of several seedy bars and restaurant chains in London, passed through the door of the Hog's Head, an unusual smile playing upon her lips. She sat herself down at a secluded table near the filthiest corner of the bar.

Finally, a reprieve from that godawful lair. One could only hide out for so long before becoming claustrophobic.

Besides, these fools couldn't prove anything in regards to her connection to the dark lord.
She had covered her involvement well. She and her cohort could walk amongst the muggleborns and professors freely, observing....waiting.
Yes, a bit more scheming and then the plan could be put into motion. Mudbloods and half-breeds, gone forever.

The mere thought of such destruction was the cause of the smile that currently graced her normally unpleasant face. Eris brushed a few stray snowflakes off her her exquisite robes and awaited her cohort's arrival.

Posted by: Desdemona Lacroix Dec 26 2003, 06:27 PM
*Desdemona Lacroix had a day that had been tiresome to an unimaginable extent. Her entire being screamed for entertainment, relaxation and just maybe a tiny bit of a distraction.

While not the most entertaining of companies possible, Eris Valenti classified as such anyway, partly due to her belonging to the same class and group, partly due to being the only one currently available. *Desdemona Lacroix’s husband was neglecting her in an unforgivable way, allowing his business exploits and only Morgana knew which other exploits to draw all his attention to themselves while his young wife whose assets he kept praising to others sat at home, unable to put the afore-mentioned assets, among them not only her physical beauty but also her hatred for anything remotely Muggle or even only touched by that sort of scum, to some use.

All too gladly did *Desdemona Lacroix slip on her black velvet cloak and leave Lacroix Estate to join her friend for a little drink in the establishment commonly referred to as The Hog’s Head in Hogsmeade. A filthy little pub t’was.

When *Desdemona Lacroix opened the door and slipped inside, throwing back the hood of her cloak to shake off some snowflakes – winter had returned for another little interlude before it would step aside for spring – she perceived with alarm and discontent that this filthy although usually Muggle-free place was being infested with something even worse than the usual filth that *Desdemona Lacroix did not mind as it was wizarding filth.

Children were frequenting this establishment these days. Filthy little children. Mudblood children. Halfbloods. Shames to the society. They should be shunned. They were not worthy to be treated as wizards when they only possessed magical abilities through some trick that nature had played on the pureblood society.

*Desdemona Lacroix wrinkled her aristocratic nose in disgust and shook her head, her long curled golden-brown hair – Julian referred to it as “like honey” on the rare occasions that he could spare some of his valuable time for his young wife – falling over the collar of her robes. She made her way through the throng of nasty children towards her colleague who was sitting far away from all this hustle and bustle, careful not to accidentally touch one of them, as you never knew where they might have been last. They really had no manners, no education, no dignity. Such things seemed to be hard to come by these days.

“Eris,” *Desdemona Lacroix greeted the other woman. Even though she smiled, her smiles did usually more resemble a sneer or a smirk at the best of times, unless something was to be gained by faking a genuine smile. “May I?” she indicated a chair and moved to sit down.

Posted by: Eris Valenti Dec 26 2003, 06:56 PM
*Eris Valenti nodded once in silent greeting to her company and motioned to a chair with one perfectly manicured hand, indicating that the other woman should have a seat. She had noticed Desdemona's gaze had sweapt the room while approaching, apparently shocked at the number of children and muggleborns that filled the place.

Eris glanced behind Desdemona at the throngs of children - most of which were more than likely muggle-born or at least half-blood - as they chatted away. Her gray eyes narrowed and the sneer returned to her face. Most of them were from the lowest classes of families imaginable. She couldn't bear to even look upon them for a moment longer as the mere thought of their presense in the wizarding simply made her ill. She turned her attention back to Desdemona and nodded in understanding. "Yes, Desdemona, filthy lot, aren't they? Some...a few...might grow up to be upstanding wizards in but a few years. The others though..." She shook her head in disgust.

"No, they simply won't do at all."

Leaning forward slightly to emphasize her point, she lowered her voice and whispered conspiratorally across the table. "My establishments have funnelled more than enough illegal money into Mr. Malfoy's foreign accounts. The process has taken a bit longer than expected due to the Ministry's unending inquiries into my personal affairs, but they can't prove a bloody thing." A sort of gleam seemed to appear in her cold eyes as she finished.

"So these mudbloods and half-breeds... Do not expect to see them infesting our world for too much longer."

Eris Valenti leaned back in her chair, seemingly quite pleased with herself. "What say you to that, Desdemona?"

Posted by: Desdemona Lacroix Dec 26 2003, 07:40 PM
When Eris leant forward slightly and began to speak, *Desdemona Lacroix followed suit and listened to what the older woman had to tell. Her experience in all those financial matters and dealings with the Ministry invoked a sense of awe in *Desdemona Lacroix who still had much to learn when it came to such things, although her talents at casting certain unpleasant curses were a gift that this special select group of purebloods valued greatly. She knew that with her mere twenty-one years of age she had much still to learn – or not, as Julian took care of such things, making *Desdemona Lacroix’s life all too convenient and carefree. She had better not allow herself to become all too dependent on her husband whom she suspected of only marrying her for her good name which was that of Sanderson, one of the most renowned pureblood families in all of Britain and beyond.

*Desdemona Lacroix sneered in satisfaction. It was as though Eris had read her mind. Her dark-grey eyes were sparkling with malice as she surveyed the hullabaloo in the pub. Her father would have spanked her if she had associated with such filth during her time at Durmstrang. Fortunately for her and many of her friends, she had begun her schooling at Durmstrang. Very soon after that, Hogwarts had been “unfortunately not in a state to accept any students for the time being” anyway, so *Desdemona Lacroix was to pursue and complete this part of her education at her beloved Durmstrang where she could excel in all the Dark Arts, a gift that had drawn the attention of the Lacroix family on her.

“I must admit that I’m impressed, Eris,” *Desdemona Lacroix replied, having learnt through experience that flattery was commonly kindly accepted. It was not that much of an act as *Desdemona Lacroix was used to appearing polite and agreeable when in the back of her head she was plotting and scheming. *Desdemona Lacroix hoped to deceive her enemies into underestimating her intellect as well as her physical strength and spell-casting abilities.

“It pleases me to see that the Ministry is still as blind as a bat to what’s going on right under their curious noses.” For a split second, a cruel smile slithered over her face. “But what can you expect when this institution is run by a Muggle-loving fool as Weasley.”

*Desdemona Lacroix snorted in disdain at the thought of this blood traitor. He was no better than all those children who frequented this pub. She would give it a bit of thought to sic the Ministry on this establishment. Those were such young children after all who should not even go near a pub as dodgy as this. She could already see herself, placing her delicate hand gracefully on the Minister’s arm and breathing, “But Arthur, those poor children. They could be corrupted by this environment.” *Desdemona Lacroix suppressed a chuckle. A truly amusing thought.

“Can one expect to be served in here anytime soon?” *Desdemona Lacroix exclaimed with the impatience of her youth. She was used to receiving everything she wanted at a snap of her fingers and the occasional pout.

Posted by: Eris Valenti Dec 26 2003, 09:24 PM
I must admit that I’m impressed, Eris.

Well, at least the girl had the good sense to recognize talent when she saw it. A good ten years younger than Eris herself, Desdemona was fast becoming quite the powerful Deat-- business associate.

"Of course you're impressed. You've yet to see anything truly awe-inspiring as far as my talents with finances are concerned." Eris examined her nails carefully as she spoke. "I must admit that my abilities with a checkbook and a wand impress even myself."

Her lip drew into a sneer a moment later at the mention of Arthur Weasley. "Muggle-loving fool is right, Desdemona. So much of a fool, in fact, that even now he is blind to our plans. One would think that after our - ahem - foray in the castle, the blood traitor would pay more attention to our goings on, yet he kipped right back off to the ministry 'soon as the coast was clear."

Eris moved from examining her fingernails to examining her long gray-blond hair. She ran a strand of it delicately through her fingers. Desdemonda had mentioned the bartender. "Too right you are. Where is that man when you need him? Honestly, I should expect first class service, even in a place as shabby as.." she looked around at the filthy walls and grimy, food-covered floors. "..this. Where is that husband of yours? He'd have a private waiter over here faster than you could say 'mudblood.'"

Posted by: Desdemona Lacroix Dec 26 2003, 09:58 PM
Indeed where was this stupid bartender when you needed him? Usually that type of human being lurked about around a couple of ladies as soon as their gender was evident. Perhaps it was that the air of power that surrounded the two ladies here frightened him off just like it did with those horrible children that reeked of dirty blood more than this place stank of spilt alcohol and some other less pleasant things.

“Where Julian is?” *Desdemona Lacroix
could not suppress a snort. “I don’t know. Business he says. Business with which he does not want to trouble my pretty little head. Who is to say what exactly those exploits are which he is talking about?”

*Desdemona Lacroix began to play with one of her honey-coloured curls that kept tickling her ear. She twirled it around her finger just like she usually twirled her wand around before she cast one of those lovely hexes that the Dark Lord and his minions had devised.

“I may be his wife. Yet this does not necessarily include that I’d trust him unconditionally. I’m not stupid enough to believe everything he tells me.”

She impatiently drummed her fingernails on the – at second thought – quite sticky surface of the table. “What does a woman have to do to get a Mai Tai in here?” she said. “But then again, I don’t really want to know.” She scrunched up her nose in distaste at the feel of the table and fought the urge to wash her hands, better yet, to take a bath.

Posted by: MariusValeray Dec 26 2003, 10:05 PM
Marius Valeray yawned as he walked into the Hogs Head. He had a long night previously, and was really more ready to go to bed than he was to get a drink. But, they say that liquor makes you sleep like a baby, so he figured it wouldn't hurt if he had a few shots before stumbling back to his house.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed two of his comrades sitting at a table discussing... something. He really wasn't paying attention, but decided to go over to them anyways.

He smiled at the women, and looked to Eris with a grin...

"Is this seat taken, my dear?" He asked, looking at the chair next to her.

Posted by: Eris Valenti Dec 26 2003, 10:18 PM
Eris listened to Desdemonda's sob story about Julian, not really paying much attention and suppressing a yawn. "I'm sure he'll be home soon Desdemonda. If you ask me, you're better off when he's not around. Your concentration ought to be on the task at hand, not off in the clouds."

Speaking of men that were distracting and clouded one's judgement, none other than Marius Valeray himself had just showed up.

Eris visibly scowled. Marius seemed to be absolutely smitten with her for some reason or another. She tried to ignore him, but no matter how many times she shut him down he just kept coming back. A small part of her was quite flattered by his attentions. She made a good show of pretending not to notice...

"You can see quite clearly see that there are four chairs here, Marius. Have a seat if you'd like," she stated, a tinge of what she hoped sounded like indifference in her voice.

Posted by: Desdemona Lacroix Dec 26 2003, 10:43 PM
"Good evening, Marius," *Desdemona Lacroix greeted her fellow Deat-- business associate as he grinned at Eris in a way that faintly reminded her of the looks that Aurelius usually threw *Desdemona Lacroix. Eris put on a good show of not being flattered, much less interested in the man. A good show. But there was this little glint in the older woman's eyes, this slight twitch of the mouth that spoke volumes to *Desdemona Lacroix.

"What brings you here?" *Desdemona Lacroix asked, secretly hoping that he would not be the only one of her business associates to show up on this suddenly rather fine evening. Maybe she could make Julian jealous by being a tad kinder to Aurelius than ettiquette demanded. The thought made her grin like a cat that had just swallowed a canary. Besides, Aurelius was a rather charming man. A woman could not ignore those looks, those glances that this man threw at her even when he knew that she was noticing them. Julian had better pay more attention to her. Not all things could be remedied by some pieces of expensive jewellery.

Posted by: MariusValeray Dec 27 2003, 04:47 AM
Marius tried to hide his goofy grin as Eris answered him about the chairs and promptly pulled out the one closest to her and sat down in it.

He nodded at Desdemona (god you need a shorter, easier to spell name) as he reached across the table for a menu.

What brings you here? Des asked him.

He looked up to her and shrugged.

"Honestly, I'm not really sure. I just happened to be around. I was headed home actually, and just thought I'd drop in for a drink or two. I've still been trying to find my ex wife so I can find out who my daughter is, and how she's doing - but I've had no luck at all."

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