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Davy's Smurf'n Cool Website

Guest Book__Funny Stuff__Stuff That Is Cool__About Me

Hi, and welcome to my website. That's right and entire website about Davy! It's all your dreams come true. Now, I know what your thinking, this can't be possible! Well it is. And for the low, low price of $5 a minute, you can acess my web page. HAHAHAHA, I'm just play'n. Or am I? But seriously, you don't have to pay, unless you want to.

My site offers a varity of thing for you to do. Unless you're retarded, you would have seen the links above telling you where you can go. So I will say them again for the retarded people. There's my guest book. There, you can sign it and say what ever you want, like how great I am or something like that. Also, there's my Funny Stuff page. At this page I put the funniest stuff I found on the internet, or made myself. On my Stuff That is Cool page, I list stuff that I think is cool. Like, halo, paintball, baseball, and other cool stuff. Then there is the About Me page. I think you can figure out that for yourself. Oh wait, your retarded, I forgot. That page tells you more stuff about me. The only thing that you can't do on my site is click here. Don't do it!!! I'm warning you.

Please sign my guest book. If you don't, I'll think that I have no friends and cry myself to sleep. You don't want that to happen, do you?
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