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                           Do's and dont's


Getting it right !!!

silver chain (van den berg, Jeremy Hoye)

T-shirt ( diesel, Limehaus, Burro)

Track Top (Puma, Fila)

Parka Jacket (Boxfresh, supreme)

Faded/distressed jeans ( Levi's red)

Trainers (Vans, Jack purcells, Convers)


Getting it wrong !!!

Tintin haircut (as styled by Mr T)

Dodgy sunglasses ( warn indoors at all times)

Chain with gun pendant (a la kool G rap)

Free record company t-shirt (grimy)

Horrible trousers (very expensive, like tiesto's)

Sweaty sandals (socks optional)

DJ Talk...       

What they say?                             What they mean?                      

Tongy's been caning that              It's in the cart, you moron            

That's huge in Ahia Napa             It's a vaguely garage remix

Very deep                                              It'll clear the floor in seconds

Nicely minimal, that one              Unbelievably boring

It's a grower                                 Hate it