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Top Secret Haircreations by Roland Eggler

Roland Eggler, Wigmaker to the Stars and three time Emmy Award Winner

Top Secret Haircreations

Steinegg, Ch-9030 Abtwil, SG

phone: (4171) 311 5331

Roland Eggler

started his training by Ziggy in 1978. Ziggy's teaching and Roland's well trained eye in the art of real and surealisme, made him to a master wigmaker. 1989 Roland started Top Secret and worked for many Stars and movies like: Fisher King, Terminator 2, Dead Again, True Lies, Michael, Hook, Schindlers List, Hoffa, Strange Days, Mr. Hollands Opus .... soon he was known as the

Wigmaker to the Stars

After 20 years creating wigs for Film and Tv, Roland Eggler moved back home to Switzerland. Roland reopened Top Secret and offers his knowhow mostly to a privat clientel. Like the wigs in the pictures above, (Phantom of the Opera, Chicago and Spielberg's Schindler's List) requires his outstanding work a exellent Frontlace. Eggler searched and created his own Lace. The result is:

VHL 2000

the frontlace of the future.

After only one year on the market, VHL 2000 is used in Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland, the US, Japan and Korea.

To place a order, please contact:

Top Secret Haircreations, Switzerland

For more information about wigs check my swiss homepage. This site informs you about medical hair prosthesis for chemotherapie- and alopecia- patients. In German only., Switzerland

Haircreatios by Top Secret Hair, Roland Eggler

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