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Welcome to Marg Garg's Page

Well, there's not much here right now, just some stuff about myself and some links.

Name: Margaret, Marg Garg, Marg, Margy, Ma'am, etc.

Home: Dela-where?

Hobbies: Drawing (mainly my comic), reading (esp. web comics), writing (usually for my comic. Starting to see a trend here?)

Major: Biology with hopefully Anthropology (and no, I don't plan on doing comics for a living. Fancy that.)

Fav Movie: Jurassic Park and X-men

Fav Song: "The Loniest Guy" by David Bowie

Fav Food: Chai. Okay it's a drink but close enough.

Fav TV show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Gargoyles

Obsession: My web comic Fellow Freaks

Well, I think I'm done for now. If anyone has any burning questions that they want me to answer on this page or in private (I don't think there are any but one never can tell), e-mail me at marg_garg(at) . As well, I have a uJournal, so check it out :)