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Welcome to Miller Stables

Miller Stables is an equestrian center set up over 15,000,000 acres of land in Alabama. The land is quiet, free of large roads and set high up in the country.
Hello Silver Stirup members and all others. I am Missy, the farrier for Silver Stirrups and all adjoining barns. I have another page for my shoeing store, visit that and e-mail me if you'd like to purchase any items to shoe your horses. If you'd like me to shoe your horse, e-mail me with what you would like done, and I'll give you a price. My e-mail address is at the bottom, if you can't find it for some reason it is ~ It may be changed soon, due to a hacker, but for now that's it. If you would like to be a member of Silver Stirrups, or learn more about it, visit the SS page at the bottom of my page.

I also have the Tack Shack, which is a store selling saddles, saddle pads, bridles, bits, and many other tack materials. Come back soon to visit the Tack Shack!

My Silver Stirups Outstanding Horseman's Award!

~*~MiLLer StableS~*~

The Shoeing Shop
Silver Stirups Homepage
My Horses
The Tack Shack
My Awards
