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Goku Gohan Goten
Piccolo Krillin Bulma
Yamcha Tien Chiaotzu
Yajirobe Vegeta Trunks
Dende Nail
Gohan, Goku and Chi-Chi's first son, was named after his adoptive grandfather. Physically, he resembles a young Goku right down to the tail and the propensity to become an uncontrollable raging Giant Monkey, while spiritually, he is good and pure of heart as well. Because of his protective mother, Gohan starts out as a wimp, but when the Earth is threatened, he reveals his tremendous potential as a fighter and uncontrollably "powers up" in order to rescue his father from a desperate situation. Because of this he is forced into training in preparation for the arrival of the Saiyans. Gohan's training is at the hands of Piccolo because his father is learning the fighting expertise of King Kai.
Piccolo and Gohan develop a special bond, which causes Piccolo to step in front of Nappa's mighty blast to save Gohan's life. Gohan's loss of nerve in the battle against the Saiyans cost all his friends dearly. But he is determined to make up for his cowardice by traveling to the planet Namek to find the Namekian Dragon Balls and wish his friends back to life.
Gohan's tremendous power is accounted for by the incredible mix between Earthling and Saiyan, which produces an even stronger being than either Human or Saiyan alone. Even though Gohan becomes the most powerful non-fused character, he never attains the love of fighting that Goku has.
