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The ~*Gift of a Friend*~ is the Best ~Gift of All, for it Includes Love~...


This is..., I have to say my ~*~Best Friend~*~ on the internet. Some of you might ask how is that possible...well, I cannot explain it to you right now because that would take up too much space on my website. All I can say is that we will be friends forever. I hope that someday we will be face to face, able to laugh and have fun together, but if that never happens, it does not ever change how much I care about this person~ever~.
I also want to take this time to say thank you for all of your love, kindness, and support that you have given to me John. You are a wonderful person, I will always be here for you...I am sure you already know that!!! I love you always, do keep in touch.....

Isn't he just adorable too!

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