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*April 11th 2001..*

"Cracker why can't you go to Cali for spring break?"

"Cause I wanna be able to spend time with Jay over Spring break and my family. Cause ya know we are moving in like 2 1/2 months."

"Yea but it'll be fun!!"

"Sorry but my mind is made up. Sides you already got your ticket to leave in like 3 hours."

"Yea I know. But it's our senior year spring break YOU GOTTA DO SOMETHING!"

"I am. Me and Jay are going to Virginia Beach for a weekend."

"Oh geeze! TMI cracker."

"Haha. SO am I still bringing you to the airport?"

"Yea. Dave can't bring me so I GUESS I'll have to risk my life with you driving."

"Bite me Bubblez."

"No that's not my job."

"Hehe. I know. It's Jay's."

"Yea that's it. You ready?"

"I've been ready. You're the one who's sittin here yacking my ear off!"

"Okie. Okie. Les go."

*Lauren and Jess but Lauren's things into Jess' blue convertable mustang and head to the airport.*

"Last chance Jess to go to Cali."

"I already told you NO. Sides I don't even have ne clothes with me!"

"Party pooper!"

"Yea yea I know. Just get on the damn plane before you get left."

"Peaz cracker!"


*Lauren gets on the plane and Jess heads back home to get ready to go to Vurginia with her boyfriend.*

